


完整块是一个包含验证和添加区块所需的所有信息的数据结构,它包含了在 N - 1 高度前所有区块都已添加的基础上,验证并添加高度为 N的区块所需的信息。 完整块均通过网络协议发送,有时为了后续向其他节点提供服务,也会存储在磁盘上。

完整块拥有区块链的trunk和foliage的全部字段。 header_hash被用作区块标识符, 是以可流式传输的格式体现的 foliage 字段的哈希值(见 序列化协议)。 这样便以确保当前区块和前序区块的数据不被篡改。

  • finished_sub_sots: List[EndOfSubSlotBundle]: This contains all sub-slots that have been completed since the previous block in the chain (block N-1).
  • reward_chain_block: RewardChainBlock: This is trunk data for the reward chain and challenge chain, including vdf outputs and proof of space.
  • challenge_chain_sp_proof: Optional[VDFProof]: Proof of the VDF for the challenge chain signage point, not provided for the first signage point, since that is and end of sub slot.
  • challenge_chain_ip_proof VDFProof: VDF proof from the previous cc infusion, up the infusion point.
  • reward_chain_sp_proof: Optional[VDFProof]: Proof of the VDF for the reward chain signage point, not provided for the first signage point, since that is and end of sub slot.
  • reward_chain_ip_proof VDFProof: VDF proof from the previous rc infusion, up to the infusion point.
  • infused_challenge_chain_ip_proof: Optional[VDFProof]: The ICC proof, only present if deficit < 16
  • foliage: Foliage: Foliage data for the reward chain block, the hash of this is the header_hash.
  • foliage_transaction_block: Optional[FoliageTransactionBlock]: Transaction related metadata that is relevant for light clients (not actual transactions), only for tx blocks.
  • transactions_info: Optional[TransactionsInfo]: Transaction related metadata that is not relevant for light clients (not actual transactions), only for tx blocks.
  • transactions_generator: Optional[SerializedProgram]: A clvm program that generates all transactions (spends).
  • transactions_generator_ref_list: List[uint32]: A list of block heights of previous generators referenced by this block's generator.