


This document is a reference guide for Chia's CAT Admin Tool, located in the CAT-admin-tool repository.

To set up your environment (including installing this tool), follow our CAT Creation Tutorial.



Functionality: Create and administer Chia Asset Tokens (CATs)

Usage: cats [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-l--tailTEXTTrueThe TAIL program to launch this CAT with
-c--curryTEXTFalseAn argument to curry into the TAIL
-s--solutionTEXTFalseThe solution to the TAIL program [default: ()]
-t--send-toTEXTTrueThe address these CATs will appear at once they are issued
-a--amountINTEGERTrueThe amount to issue in mojos (regular XCH will be used to fund this)
-m--feeINTEGERFalseThe fees for the transaction, in mojos [default: 0]
-d--authorized-providerTEXTFalseA trusted DID that can issue VCs that are allowed to trade the CAT. Specifying this option will make the CAT a CR (credential restricted) CAT. Requires specifying either --proofs-checker or --cr-flag Specifying this option will make the CAT a CR (credential restricted) CAT. Requires specifying either --proofs-checker or --cr-flag
-r--proofs-checkerTEXTFalseThe program that checks the proofs of a VC for a CR-CAT. Specifying this option requires a value for --authorized-providers Specifying this option requires a value for --authorized-providers
-v--cr-flagTEXTFalseSpecify a list of flags to check a VC for in order to authorize this CR-CAT. Specifying this option requires a value for --authorized-providers. Cannot be used if a custom --proofs-checker is specified. Specifying this option requires a value for --authorized-providers. Cannot be used if a custom --proofs-checker is specified.
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseThe wallet fingerprint to use as funds
-sig--signatureTEXTFalseA signature to aggregate with the transaction
-as--spendTEXTFalseAn additional spend to aggregate with the transaction
-b--as-bytesNoneFalseOutput the spend bundle as a sequence of bytes instead of JSON
-sc--select-coinNoneFalseStop the process once a coin from the wallet has been selected and return the coin
-q--quietNoneFalseQuiet mode will not ask to push transaction to the network
-p--pushNoneFalseAutomatically push transaction to the network in quiet mode
--root-pathPATHFalseThe root folder where the config lies [default: ~/.chia/mainnet]
--wallet-rpc-portINTEGERFalseThe RPC port the wallet service is running on
--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
Example 1 - select a coin from the wallet with a value of at least 1 XCH (1 trillion mojos)


cats --tail ./reference_tails/genesis_by_coin_id.clsp.hex --send-to txch1jk4r06xsj0fnwqk57322yjqzkdyx7kh8h8kvxus3l68tjnkf05aqd9uevs --amount 1000000000000 --as-bytes --select-coin


"amount": 1999731499999,
"parent_coin_info": "0x3179dd9b38f7c4e4de532e346cfefb33affda1f2860ed68aeb0e70c38a5c9f6e",
"puzzle_hash": "0x74fcdd0e27ead17559cf9eaf791c62a6517c0c4fcf5ac3a6f014857571fc7608"
Name: 345dd430bcd7a413f8feed25c382d83855edd6ccceb41d1dbc293ca8e49e6b2d

The "parent_coin_info", "puzzle_hash", and "amount" values are hashed together to create the coin's "Name".

Example 2 - Push a transaction to the network, currying an inner puzzle hash into the TAIL


cats --tail ./reference_tails/genesis_by_coin_id.clsp.hex --send-to txch19k6cl5syzvxgkgulr7m49v2r57yh0aanm23hrffgd89j4nj3ywhqxadyqr --amount 1000000000000 --as-bytes --curry 0x8f4dbff8df3f6aa9303eb47625cf8f09d885f1ad6a2d440582cb6bd45f53d2e8


The transaction has been created, would you like to push it to the network? (Y/N)y
Successfully pushed the transaction to the network
Asset ID: 9c39398afb1d7ffa03a589f60e5e39f2ae4572ff7048e689fe3128c339581b2d
Eve Coin ID: 9fe3e95308949cb9c49333f829922dc7118cd3e2fdf365cde669b47852ce3a7b

After pushing the transaction, the new ID and Eve Coin (singleton parent coin) will be shown.

Example 3 - Mint a new CR-CAT

First, select a coin to use for the minting. First, select a coin to use for the minting. Flags included in this example (CR-specific flags are in bold):

  • --tail: The tail to use; in this case we'll use a single-issuance TAIL
  • --send-to: The address to send the CR-CATs to upon minting
  • --authorized-provider: The DID that is authorized to issue VCs containing the required proof(s) for this CAT
  • --cr-flag: The proof(s) required for owning this CR-CAT
  • --amount: The number of mojos for this issuance (1 million mojos = 1 thousand CR-CATs)
  • -m: The transaction fee, in mojos
  • --as-bytes: Use bytes instead of JSON
  • --select-coin: Instead of minting the CAT, just select a coin to use for the isuance
cats --tail ./reference_tails/genesis_by_coin_id.clsp.hex --send-to txch1ek6ln2ejdsec6l734x8tggk9j5sepl8nfqjer5yt2dr905f04prqmcjcc5 --authorized-provider did:chia:1x23lnyd2xjefnfly075ngk79duf0yxna35cp86mgnnp4t33senfs4cah7u --cr-flag "test_proof1" --amount 1000000 -m 1000 --as-bytes --select-coin


"amount": 999694993543,
"parent_coin_info": "0x3ad9ec3ab9039047106476b4b23d05c46a7f02a6114c4eaf82792c3229e74416",
"puzzle_hash": "0xa8180f3997eeda1804508c1f4dbe55ef17808fe2df970bba408807b10e7dd9ba"
Name: c5519ac8ef55043b23bef45b1326d445f2c4af579f13dc0cdec10335ccb0a809

In the above repsonse, Name is the ID of the coin to be used for the minting. In the above repsonse, Name is the ID of the coin to be used for the minting. Next, run the same command again, but remove the --select-coin flag and add --curry 0x<coin ID> (the 0x is required and important here):

cats --tail ./reference_tails/genesis_by_coin_id.clsp.hex --send-to txch1ek6ln2ejdsec6l734x8tggk9j5sepl8nfqjer5yt2dr905f04prqmcjcc5 --authorized-provider did:chia:1x23lnyd2xjefnfly075ngk79duf0yxna35cp86mgnnp4t33senfs4cah7u --cr-flag "test_proof1" --amount 1000000 -m 1000 --as-bytes --curry 0xc5519ac8ef55043b23bef45b1326d445f2c4af579f13dc0cdec10335ccb0a809


Successfully pushed the transaction to the network
Asset ID: 262a2c2cbb09414652006c4da139a186b3a110bb57cd5d76b6785e4811f1c77c
Eve Coin ID: 692a4f63c56815a33510088a255d695aea472d0f03bb9f0d5cdd5c91a82821f2

Just as with standard CATs, the CR-CAT has been minted and sent to its destination address. Asset ID can now be added in the destination wallet. Asset ID can now be added in the destination wallet.

In this case, the destination wallet is the holder of a VC with the proof required to hold this CR-CAT. To verify this, run the vcs get CLI command: To verify this, run the vcs get CLI command:

chia wallet vcs get
- f063e22557705b14425b8fca60018796b4364eb6354f45d0b99431a71d3043e5
- test_proof1
- test_proof2

Launcher ID: 1e3cd9da1d4545700c8c26fb7ba452cf28b1c7d78b5fa7434307d32a435718c8
Coin ID: addf46fac52aac510b31a7dc025528411b5013d89c81174f4726b63a5dc0d395
Inner Address: txch166pzqd55p2emp9sqaflvyc8x2s4qn4eexrxgrlfwf8khuefp5fqswe84mu
Proof Hash: f063e22557705b14425b8fca60018796b4364eb6354f45d0b99431a71d3043e5

This VC contains the proof that was added to the CR-CAT (test_proof1). Once the CR-CAT has been added to this Chia wallet, it will be displayed as type CRCAT. For example: Once the CR-CAT has been added to this Chia wallet, it will be displayed as type CRCAT. For example:

chia wallet show


CAT 262a2c2cbb094146...:
-Total Balance: 1000.0 (1000000 mojo)
-Balance Pending VC Approval: 0.0 (0 mojo)
-Pending Total Balance: 1000.0 (1000000 mojo)
-Spendable: 1000.0 (1000000 mojo)
-Type: CRCAT
-Asset ID: 262a2c2cbb09414652006c4da139a186b3a110bb57cd5d76b6785e4811f1c77c
-Wallet ID: 5


Functionality: Create a tree of coins from a .csv file containing puzzlehash:amount pairs. Useful for setting up CAT airdrops.

Usage: secure_the_bag [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-c--curryTEXTFalseAn argument to curry into the TAIL
-a--amountINTEGERTrueThe amount to issue in mojos (regular XCH will be used to fund this)
-stbtp--secure-the-bag-targets-pathTEXTTruePath to CSV file containing targets of secure the bag (inner puzzle hash + amount). The total value of the coins in this file must match the value of the amount flag. If they don't match, an error will be thrown.
-lw--leaf-widthINTEGERTrueSecure the bag leaf width [default: 100]
-pr--prefixTEXTTrueAddress prefix [default: xch]
--helpNONEFalseShow a help message and exit
Create a coin tree from a CSV file, currying a coin ID that was obtained from the cats command
secure_the_bag --tail .\reference_tails\genesis_by_coin_id.clsp.hex --amount 1000000000000 --secure-the-bag-targets-path C:\Users\User\Downloads\spacebucks.csv --prefix txch --curry 0x8f4dbff8df3f6aa9303eb47625cf8f09d885f1ad6a2d440582cb6bd45f53d2e8

The response will be a list of coins created in the tree. The command's progress will also be displayed. The last two lines of the output will be the root puzzle hash and address of the tree:

Secure the bag root puzzle hash: 17060adf6856d2904c4fe90c9690b710cf758aee5968718e2fbfd12f7b9d817f
Secure the bag root address: txch19k6cl5syzvxgkgulr7m49v2r57yh0aanm23hrffgd89j4nj3ywhqxadyqr


Functionality: Given a coin tree, airdrop CATs to a set of pre-committed puzzle hashes obtained from a .csv file. Requires a coin tree obtained as a result of running the secure_the_bag command.

Usage: secure_the_bag [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-ecid--eve-coin-idTEXTTrueID of coin that was spent to create secured bag
-th--tail-hashTEXTTrueTAIL hash / Asset ID of CAT to unwind from secured bag of CATs
-stbtp--secure-the-bag-targets-pathTEXTTruePath to CSV file containing targets of secure the bag (inner puzzle hash + amount)
-utph,--unwind-target-puzzle-hashTEXTFalsePuzzle hash of target to unwind from secured bag. This is a useful option for testing a single unwind
-wi--wallet-idINTEGERFalseThe wallet id to use (typically 1)
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseThe wallet fingerprint to use as funds
-uf--unwind-feeINTEGERTrueFee paid for each unwind spend. Enough mojos must be available to cover all spends [default: 500000]
-lw--leaf-widthINTEGERTrueSecure the bag leaf width (number of tokens to unwind in one block) [default: 100]
--helpNONEFalseShow a help message and exit
Unwind a bag that has been secured with the above example, using a puzzle hash
unwind_the_bag --eve-coin-id 9fe3e95308949cb9c49333f829922dc7118cd3e2fdf365cde669b47852ce3a7b --tail-hash 9c39398afb1d7ffa03a589f60e5e39f2ae4572ff7048e689fe3128c339581b2d --secure-the-bag-targets-path C:\Users\User\Downloads\spacebucks.csv --unwind-fee 500000 --wallet-id 1 --unwind-target-puzzle-hash af85d83ff01ec4b6f37d85d038e68736adc6cc9bb2c48c9d0973605448f73f3f

This example will airdrop the appropriate number of coins to the given puzzle hash. You will need to confirm each coin as it is dropped.