
Prefarm Audit Tutorial

Chia Network Inc's prefarm is secured by a complex set of custodial rules. This document describes how to use the custody tool to audit the prefarm configuration. A moderate level of technical proficiency is probably needed to understand the details. For a high-level overview of the prefarm custody wallets, see our blog post.

Other relevant documents:

Prefarm Audit with the Internal Custody Tool

The following steps assume that you have installed and setup the custody tool following the User guide.

  1. Download the prefarm configuration files from the Prefarm Alert Tool.
  2. Run the custody tool command cic sync -c <config-file-path>.txt -db <unique_db_path>.sqlite
(venv) cic sync -c .\prefarm_configs\cold-us-public-config.txt -db .\sync_cold_us.sqlite

NOTE: This command has no result if completed successfully, but, you will see the corresponding sqlite file created.

  1. Show details of the associated singleton by running cic show -c -db <unique_db_path>.sqlite
(venv) cic show -c -db ./sync_cold_us.sqlite

Current time: 1696970325 (10/10/2023, 13:38:45)

Config up to date: True

- launcher ID: 6c77dce3c3bab525dab7883e8ad513a8f3ff127e872009b12836cbb1c8f26647
- amount left: 0
- amount to claim: 9187500100033000911

Outstanding events:

- current root: 9ab73274c5ca6cd0250b7b6b0352ad3190593bdb8f312d8aff3636c95208b0fb
- withdrawal timelock: 2592000 seconds
- payment clawback period: 7776000 seconds
- rekey cancellation period: 5184000 seconds
- rekey penalty: 1296000 seconds
- slow rekey timelock: 3888000 seconds

This command shows the singleton launcher ID and the parameters associated with this specific prefarm wallet configuration (withdrawal, clawback, and cancellation periods).

  1. Show the singleton p2 address by running cic p2_address -db <unique_db_path>.sqlite
cic p2_address -db .\sync_cold_us.sqlite


Prefarm Audit with Block Records


NOTE: A high level of technical proficiency is needed to understand the details of this manual process for what the cic tool does above. This process is a high-level guide and does not display expected results for each step. The chia-dev-tools are needed for this audit.

  1. Use the internal custody tool to reveal the current root and other curried parameters (steps 1-4 above).
  2. Curry the necessary parameters into the prefarm_inner.clsp (THIS_MOD_HASH, ROOT, STATE):
    1. THIS_MOD_HASH = this code's sha256 tree hash without its curried arguments.
    2. ROOT = the current root provided by the internal custody tool.
    3. STATE = a tree with the following elements in order ((REKEY_MOD_HASH . ACH_MOD_HASH) . (ACH_TIMELOCK . (BASE_REKEY_TIMELOCK . SLOW_REKEY_PENALTY))):
      1. REKEY_MOD_HASH = rekey puzzle sha256 tree hash without its curried arguments.
      2. ACH_MOD_HASH = ach puzzle sha256 tree hash without its curried arguments.
      3. ACH_TIMELOCK = integer of the ach timelock also referred to as the Withdrawal Timelock.
      4. BASE_REKEY_TIMELOCK = integer of the rekey timelock.
      5. SLOW_REKEY_PENALTY = integer of the slow rekey penalty.
  3. Curry the necessary parameters into singleton_top_layer_v1_1.clsp (SINGLETON_STRUCT INNER_PUZZLE):
    1. SINGLETON_STRUCT = a tree with the following elements in order (MOD_HASH . (LAUNCHER_ID . LAUNCHER_PUZZLE_HASH)):
      1. MOD_HASH = singleton_top_layer puzzle sha256 tree hash without its curried arguments.
      2. LAUNCHER_ID = the ID of the singleton we are committed to paying.
      3. LAUNCHER_PUZZLE_HASH = the puzzle hash of the launcher.
    2. INNER_PUZZLE = the compiled form of the inner puzzle (result of the previous curry).
  4. Derive the puzzle hash from the compiled form of the singleton.
opc -H <compiled_puzzle>
  1. Convert the puzzle hash into the singleton p2 puzzle by currying the necessary parameters (SINGLETON_MOD_HASH, LAUNCHER_ID, LAUNCHER_PUZZLE_HASH):
    1. SINGLETON_MOD_HASH - singleton_top_layer puzzle sha256 tree hash without its curried arguments .
    2. LAUNCHER_ID - the ID of the singleton we are committed to paying.
    3. LAUNCHER_PUZZLE_HASH - the puzzle hash of the launcher.
  2. Encode the singleton p2 puzzle to reveal the p2 address.
cdv encode -p xch <singleton_p2_puzzle>

NOTE: This is the address used when sending funds to the vault.

Further reading