
DataLayer CLI

This page includes a comprehensive list of Chia's Command Line Interface commands for interacting with the DataLayer.

We also have documented the RPC API for interacting with the DataLayer.

The relevant DataLayer commands can be found by running chia data:

(venv) $ chia data -h

Commands that modify the blockchain include an optional fee. This fee can be specified in two ways:

  1. The -m / --fee parameter can be specified explicitly in the command, as several of the examples in this document show
  2. If the fee option is not explicitly specified, then the data_layer:fee setting in ~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml will be used. By default, this is set to 1 billion mojos (0.001 XCH)
  3. If neither of these options is set, then no fee will be used

For commands that change the state of the DataLayer singleton (ie all on-chain commands), you will need to wait for confirmation before running another command. If you run a command before the previous transaction has been confirmed, you will receive this error: Request failed: {'error': 'Already have a pending root waiting for confirmation.', 'success': False}

The commands in this document will work with or without the = symbol. Additionally, hashes may or may not be prefixed with 0x.



Functionality: Add a new mirror from a local or remote data store. Triggers a Chia transaction

Usage: chia data add_mirror [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-i--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal ID of the store to mirror
-a--amountINTEGERTrueThe amount (in mojos) to spend to create the mirror. In theory, mirrors with a higher amount will be prioritized. Minimum amount is 0
-u--urlTEXTFalseA URL where the mirror will reside. Can be repeated to add multiple URLs in the same command
-m--feeTEXTFalseSet the fees for the transaction, in XCH
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseFingerprint of the wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

Create one mirror with multiple URLs:

chia data add_mirror -i 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f -a 1000 -u http://www.example.com:8575 -u http://www.example2.com:8575




Functionality: Use the database to restore all files for one or more local data stores

Usage: chia data add_missing_files [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-i--idsTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store id(s)
-o--overrideNoneFalseIf set, will overwrite files that already exist (default: not set)
-n--no-overrideNoneFalseIf set, will not overwrite files that already exist (default: set)
-d--directoryTEXTFalseIf specified, use a non-default directory to write the files (default: ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_<network>)
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseFingerprint of the wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

For this example, there is one local store:

ls ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet10/



Intentionally move the files and create an empty folder. This will simulate file corruption:

mv ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet10 ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet10_bak
mkdir ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet10/

Next, restore the files:

chia data add_missing_files



Finally, verify that the files have been restored:

ls ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet10/




Functionality: Clear pending roots that will not be published, associated data may not be recoverable

Usage: chia data clear_pending_roots [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-i--idTEXTTrueThe ID of the store from which to clear the pending roots
--yesNoneFalseSet to confirm the action without prompting [Default: not set / prompt to confirm]
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

To clear all pending roots, you need to enter the store ID. An example of this which also disables prompting: An example of this which also disables prompting:

chia data clear_pending_roots -i 2772c8108e19f9fa98ff7bc7d4bafd821319bc90af6b610d086b85f4c21fa816 --yes


"root": {
"generation": 1,
"node_hash": "e488fa1bf0f712b224df0daf312b3d479f80e3a330d4bebd8f26a0d52dc0ebbb",
"status": 1,
"tree_id": "2772c8108e19f9fa98ff7bc7d4bafd821319bc90af6b610d086b85f4c21fa816"
"success": true


Functionality: Create a data store. Triggers a Chia transaction

Usage: chia data create_data_store [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-m--feeTEXTFalseSet the fees for the transaction, in XCH
--verboseNoneFalseSet to enable verbose output
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

Create a new data store:

chia data create_data_store -m 0.00001


'id': '1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f',
'success': True,
'amount': 1,
'parent_coin_info': '0xb4a1a658aaefd10930ecbccd51ac2c9a4853435b14acdb0de84729bfbefc791c',
'puzzle_hash': '0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9'
'amount': 14999989999999,
'parent_coin_info': '0xb4a1a658aaefd10930ecbccd51ac2c9a4853435b14acdb0de84729bfbefc791c',
'puzzle_hash': '0x478255c372cec71557c20459f4b690fb1b7c57da3fcfc4b6396d78d9a396e384'
'amount': 1,
'parent_coin_info': '0x1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f',
'puzzle_hash': '0xd650e81d45c7381183c14c3363a81aa78cb3acfe213e46da26df75cd431557f9'
'amount': 1,
'confirmed': False,
'confirmed_at_height': 0,
'created_at_time': 1661141324,
'fee_amount': 10000000,
'memos': [],
'name': '0xaee362ae9d0ce3992b3bfb7cc48bde17f3d794cc383ff1d5e49a4d75dbf004d6',
'amount': 15000000000000,
'parent_coin_info': '0x81fc1729bad3f19699461b1ee455a92493ef4c1d60ba37d22ac187a18367e08e',
'puzzle_hash': '0x221c0e9cd9b7f536e9a204ef93519e6c9d4b4c9a049bde8d66fa1816c23120d2'
'amount': 1,
'parent_coin_info': '0xb4a1a658aaefd10930ecbccd51ac2c9a4853435b14acdb0de84729bfbefc791c',
'puzzle_hash': '0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9'
'sent': 10,
'sent_to': [],
'spend_bundle': {
'aggregated_signature': '0x8c431f07698ad69fd14ab04d77683801e6b908e441074f5ef5268350483d194a09a8b3cde681cb5c5fcf6444e0c9d4bf00999e8e6ad1522891baa590f82d92e2876b08e34b1f3156d0fe88ce206e5ed1567863e10a0397fd0a8a66bcbd5007b0',
'amount': 15000000000000,
'parent_coin_info': '0x81fc1729bad3f19699461b1ee455a92493ef4c1d60ba37d22ac187a18367e08e',
'puzzle_hash': '0x221c0e9cd9b7f536e9a204ef93519e6c9d4b4c9a049bde8d66fa1816c23120d2'
'puzzle_reveal': '0xff02ffff01ff02ffff01ff02ffff03ff0bffff01ff02ffff03ffff09ff05ffff1dff0bffff1effff0bff0bffff02ff06ffff04ff02ffff04ff17ff8080808080808080ffff01ff02ff17ff2f80ffff01ff088080ff0180ffff01ff04ffff04ff04ffff04ff05ffff04ffff02ff06ffff04ff02ffff04ff17ff80808080ff80808080ffff02ff17ff2f808080ff0180ffff04ffff01ff32ff02ffff03ffff07ff0580ffff01ff0bffff0102ffff02ff06ffff04ff02ffff04ff09ff80808080ffff02ff06ffff04ff02ffff04ff0dff8080808080ffff01ff0bffff0101ff058080ff0180ff018080ffff04ffff01b0b3deeeb00319624e26767c5cf777cf9a02d046510181ed29f233e2847fa8ef28ede05d2770bb1b8f101ea8ae20527d61ff018080',
'solution': '0xff80ffff01ffff33ffa0eff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9ff0180ffff33ffa0478255c372cec71557c20459f4b690fb1b7c57da3fcfc4b6396d78d9a396e384ff860da47513597f80ffff34ff840098968080ffff3cffa084f72a9a3ce5152e1d627a259a0c1c90e6af389cb26af48173d84e374ecc518080ffff3dffa03a0ed375dff192685d1ef9a74424788b04655700bee898f0ea8445f8b55d38338080ff8080'
'amount': 1,
'parent_coin_info': '0xb4a1a658aaefd10930ecbccd51ac2c9a4853435b14acdb0de84729bfbefc791c',
'puzzle_hash': '0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9'
'puzzle_reveal': '0xff02ffff01ff04ffff04ff04ffff04ff05ffff04ff0bff80808080ffff04ffff04ff0affff04ffff02ff0effff04ff02ffff04ffff04ff05ffff04ff0bffff04ff17ff80808080ff80808080ff808080ff808080ffff04ffff01ff33ff3cff02ffff03ffff07ff0580ffff01ff0bffff0102ffff02ff0effff04ff02ffff04ff09ff80808080ffff02ff0effff04ff02ffff04ff0dff8080808080ffff01ff0bffff0101ff058080ff0180ff018080',
'solution': '0xffa0d650e81d45c7381183c14c3363a81aa78cb3acfe213e46da26df75cd431557f9ff01ffffa00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffa0adcbcbaf4594e8d3057ea3a64a40560720ede80e720f867d2631069c27459de58080'
'to_puzzle_hash': '0x0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202',
'trade_id': None,
'type': 0,
'wallet_id': 0
'amount': 1,
'parent_coin_info': '0xb4a1a658aaefd10930ecbccd51ac2c9a4853435b14acdb0de84729bfbefc791c',
'puzzle_hash': '0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9'
'amount': 14999989999999,
'parent_coin_info': '0xb4a1a658aaefd10930ecbccd51ac2c9a4853435b14acdb0de84729bfbefc791c',
'puzzle_hash': '0x478255c372cec71557c20459f4b690fb1b7c57da3fcfc4b6396d78d9a396e384'
'amount': 1,
'confirmed': False,
'confirmed_at_height': 0,
'created_at_time': 1661141324,
'fee_amount': 10000000,
'memos': [],
'name': '0xbb4cb461126d9ea9492e767462b9a4e408e497231c2093474cba2bcfe4397104',
'amount': 15000000000000,
'puzzle_hash': '0x221c0e9cd9b7f536e9a204ef93519e6c9d4b4c9a049bde8d66fa1816c23120d2'
'sent': 0,
'sent_to': [],
'spend_bundle': None,
'to_puzzle_hash': '0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9',
'trade_id': None,
'type': 1,
'wallet_id': 1


Functionality: Delete a mirror, by coin_id. Triggers a Chia transaction

Usage: chia data delete_mirror [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-c--coin_idTEXTTrueThe coin_id of the mirror to delete (obtainable from the get_mirrors command)
-m--feeTEXTFalseSet the fees for the transaction, in XCH
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
chia data delete_mirror -c b5756487c17fe3a2628e45a9d3d42e89231af718bb1735e6c8441e07ec005f9d -m 0.000001


{'success': True}


Functionality: Get all keys associated with a store ID

Usage: chia data get_keys [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store id
-r--root_hashTEXTFalseThe hexadecimal root hash
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-p--pageINTEGERFalseEnables pagination of the output and requests a specific page
--max-page-sizeINTEGERFalseSet how many bytes to be included in a page, if pagination is enabled [Default: 40 MB]
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

Pagination is disabled by default. If it is enabled (by using the page flag), then the JSON response will include total_pages and total_bytes, in addition to the data.

If an item is larger than max-page-size, an error will be thrown.

chia data get_keys --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f


'keys': [
'success': True


Functionality: Get all keys and values for a store. Must be subscribed to store ID

Usage: chia data get_keys_values [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store id
-r--root_hashTEXTFalseThe hexadecimal root hash
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-p--pageINTEGERFalseEnables pagination of the output and requests a specific page
--max-page-sizeINTEGERFalseSet how many bytes to be included in a page, if pagination is enabled [Default: 40 MB]
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

Pagination is disabled by default. If it is enabled (by using the page flag), then the JSON response will include total_pages and total_bytes, in addition to the data.

If an item is larger than max-page-size, an error will be thrown.

chia data get_keys_values --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f


'keys_values': [
'atom': None,
'hash': '0x26e60dd9b493eee1f6781fc13dd025e0bfafcde5a103c95dd087d91bd848d406',
'key': '0x0004',
'value': '0x0123456789abcdef'
'atom': None,
'hash': '0xc2dc94c2a85d7db4cfdd1d907bcc441c8fce595db2e2075b973fb8171e2f19a2',
'key': '0x0005',
'value': '0xbeadfeed'
'success': True


Functionality: Get the kv diff between two hashes within the same store ID

Usage: chia data get_kv_diff [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store ID
-hash_1--hash_1TEXTTrueThe first hash to compare
-hash_2--hash_2TEXTTrueThe second hash to compare
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-p--pageINTEGERFalseEnables pagination of the output and requests a specific page
--max-page-sizeINTEGERFalseSet how many bytes to be included in a page, if pagination is enabled [Default: 40 MB]
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

Pagination is disabled by default. If it is enabled (by using the page flag), then the JSON response will include total_pages and total_bytes, in addition to the data.

If an item is larger than max-page-size, an error will be thrown.

chia data get_kv_diff --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f -hash_1 0x26e60dd9b493eee1f6781fc13dd025e0bfafcde5a103c95dd087d91bd848d406 -hash_2 0xc2dc94c2a85d7db4cfdd1d907bcc441c8fce595db2e2075b973fb8171e2f19a2


'diff': [
'key': '0005',
'type': 'INSERT',
'value': 'beadfeed'
'key': '0004',
'type': 'DELETE',
'value': '0123456789abcdef'
'success': True


Functionality: List all mirrors for a store ID

Usage: chia data get_mirrors [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-i--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal ID of the store for which to get mirrors
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
chia data get_mirrors -i 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f


'mirrors': [
'amount': 1000,
'coin_id': 'b5756487c17fe3a2628e45a9d3d42e89231af718bb1735e6c8441e07ec005f9d',
'launcher_id': '1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f',
'ours': True,
'urls': [
'success': True


Functionality: Get owned stores

Usage: chia data get_owned_stores [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
chia data get_owned_stores


'store_ids': [
'success': True


Functionality: Obtains a merkle proof of inclusion for a given key

Usage: chia data get_proof [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store id
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-k--keyTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal key
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

The proof is a proof of inclusion that a given key, value pair is in the specified datalayer store by chaining the Merkle hashes up to the published on-chain root hash.

A user can generate a proof for multiple k,v pairs in the same datastore.

chia data get_proof --id 7de232eecc08dc5e524ad42fad205c9ec7dd3f342677edb7c2e139c51f55d40e -k 0x0003


"proof": {
"coin_id": "0x774e5f9ba7a8afbfa7fd2050347b4a2d400d3cd530637a18b61b094bb5a0f756",
"inner_puzzle_hash": "0x875cc80014bc72f2028c27500d5b44bf6906cd13ad16d7b5f4a5da77a06c8c2f",
"store_proofs": {
"proofs": [
"key_clvm_hash": "0xa143e7ffd81147f136f921fef88760c46c7a05f15b81995f9c5cfed2a737a3f1",
"layers": [],
"node_hash": "0xe488fa1bf0f712b224df0daf312b3d479f80e3a330d4bebd8f26a0d52dc0ebbb",
"value_clvm_hash": "0xed052604ee4ff3996c15ef9b2cb0925233a2e78b6168bb6e67d133e074109b42"
"store_id": "0x7de232eecc08dc5e524ad42fad205c9ec7dd3f342677edb7c2e139c51f55d40e"
"success": true


Functionality: Get the Merkle Root and timestamp of a given store ID

Usage: chia data get_root [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store id
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
chia data get_root --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f


'confirmed': True,
'hash': '0xd6d6b4d6bbd77aaa5927c8a21a1451b35f4860a7f9a58e51dae04037da9c08e8',
'success': True,
'timestamp': 1661148611


Functionality: Get a history of root hashes for a Store ID that you subscribe to

Usage: chia data get_root_history [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store id
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
chia data get_root_history --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f


'root_history': [
'confirmed': True,
'root_hash': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
'timestamp': 1661141342
'confirmed': True,
'root_hash': '0xe488fa1bf0f712b224df0daf312b3d479f80e3a330d4bebd8f26a0d52dc0ebbb',
'timestamp': 1661144917
'confirmed': True,
'root_hash': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
'timestamp': 1661145223
'confirmed': True,
'root_hash': '0xb5420e65846ded936d1e4855c066247fc461a3b281cd9e0e69f3cfa4df529ba2',
'timestamp': 1661145404
'confirmed': True,
'root_hash': '0xd6d6b4d6bbd77aaa5927c8a21a1451b35f4860a7f9a58e51dae04037da9c08e8',
'timestamp': 1661148611
'success': True


Functionality: Get subscribed stores, including the owned stores

Usage: chia data get_subscriptions [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
chia data get_subscriptions


'store_ids': [
'success': True


Functionality: Get locally stored root compared to the root of the singleton

Usage: chia data get_sync_status [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store id
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

If the root_hash matches the target_root_hash, then the store is synced.

chia data get_sync_status -store 39114b28a3674b6c2c0ed65d3518842fd17f9df46794f49cd223f9f3a463f09d


'success': True,
'sync_status': {
'generation': 1,
'root_hash': '532d8df550bdbdef28c1a7b27eaefc812afb99eabd59b3c041000c7ea352e900',
'target_generation': 1,
'target_root_hash': '532d8df550bdbdef28c1a7b27eaefc812afb99eabd59b3c041000c7ea352e900'


Functionality: Get a value from a Store's key

Usage: chia data get_value [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store id
-k--keyTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal key
-r--root_hashTEXTFalseThe hexadecimal root hash
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under data_layer in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
chia data get_value --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f --key 0004


'success': True,
'value': '0123456789abcdef'


Functionality: Get information about configured uploader/downloader plugins

Usage: chia data plugins [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Commands: check (Calls the plugin_info endpoint on all configured plugins)


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

Note that currently check is the only sub-command under the plugins command. This command is shown in the example.

chia data plugins check


"plugin_status": {
"downloaders": {},
"uploaders": {}
"success": true


Functionality: Remove one or more URLs from a data store to which you subscribe. Note that this action will not remove the subscription to the data store itself. For that functionality, use unsubscribe

Usage: chia data remove_subscription [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal ID of the store to which you would like to subscribe
-u--urlTEXTFalseA URL where the data store resides. This argument can be used multiple times in the same command
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
chia data remove_subscription -store 8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d -u http://www.example.com:8575




Functionality: Subscribe to a store ID

Usage: chia data subscribe [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal ID of the store to which you would like to subscribe
-u--urlTEXTFalseA URL where the data store resides. This argument can be used multiple times in the same command
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit
Example 1

Subscribe to a data store without specifying any URLs:

chia data subscribe -store 8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d



Use the subscriptions RPC to list all current subscriptions:

chia rpc data_layer subscriptions


"store_ids": [
"success": true
Example 2

Subscribe to a data store using multiple URLs where that store resides:

chia data subscribe -store 8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d -u http://www.example.com:8575 -u http://www.example2.com:8575



Use the subscriptions RPC to list all current subscriptions:

chia rpc data_layer subscriptions


"store_ids": [
"success": true


Functionality: Unsubscribe from a store ID

Usage: chia data unsubscribe [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal ID of the store to which you would like to unsubscribe
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
--retainNoneFalseRetain local .dat files [Default: false (don't retain data)]
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

The unsubscribe command may or may not delete any data, depending on which version of Chia you are running:

  • Prior to version 2.1, the command did not delete the .dat files, nor did it delete from the database.
  • As of version 2.1, the command deletes the .dat files, but does not delete from the database.
  • In a future release, the command will also delete from the database.


chia data unsubscribe -store 8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d




Functionality: Update a data store with a given changelist. Triggers a Chia transaction

Usage: chia data update_data_store [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-store--idTEXTTrueThe hexadecimal store ID
-d--changelistTEXTTrueA JSON object representing the changelist
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-m--feeTEXTFalseSet the fees for the transaction, in XCH
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
--submitNoneFalseSet to submit the result on chain [Default: don't submit]
--no-submitNoneFalseSet to explicitly specify not to submit the result on chain [Default: don't submit]
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

A few notes on the -d / --changelist option:

  • The entire list must be formatted as a JSON array
  • There are two actions allowed: insert and delete
  • insert requires key and value flags
  • delete requires a key flag only
  • Keys and values must be written in hex format. Values can be derived from text or binary.
  • Labels, keys and values must all be enclosed in double quotes
  • Multiple inserts and deletes are allowed
  • The size of a single value flag is limited to 100 MiB. However, adding anything close to that size has not been tested and could produce unexpected results.
  • On Windows, you must escape the double quotes in the JSON array with backslashes. See below for an example. This is not required on MacOS or Linux.

The following examples will show the basic functionality of this command.

Example 1 -- Insert a single key/value pair
chia data update_data_store --id=1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f -d '[{"action":"insert", "key":"0003", "value":"abc123"}]'


'success': True,
'tx_id': '0xed157b50b94a849d3d19a0ef4e1b0e07bda863e4d65bd1527fa6f59062bb5c78'
Example 2 -- Delete a single key
chia data update_data_store --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f --changelist '[{"action":"delete", "key":"0003"}]'


'success': True,
'tx_id': '0x2a64ef42baf05c6f4d446ba8638c2f2b2c26e5a91ad62e0c5151df40d0f92ec2'
Example 3 -- Insert two keys
chia data update_data_store --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f --changelist '[{"action":"insert", "key":"0x0004", "value":"123abc"},{"action":"insert", "key":"0005", "value":"0xbeadfeed"}]'


'success': True,
'tx_id': '0xea22328f8843fab4149d0589e43217d88047ceeb41ef610e59717d13127bab7c'

List all keys and values after running the previous command:

chia data get_keys_values --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f


'keys_values': [
'atom': None,
'hash': '0x7e193b814080e50aa7780bcf71fd0422a0397ad3e57dc1eac71d93183efb39ba',
'key': '0x0004',
'value': '0x123abc'
'atom': None,
'hash': '0xc2dc94c2a85d7db4cfdd1d907bcc441c8fce595db2e2075b973fb8171e2f19a2',
'key': '0x0005',
'value': '0xbeadfeed'
'success': True
Example 4 -- Show that you may not overwrite an existing key
chia data update_data_store --id=1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f -d '[{"action":"insert", "key":"0004", "value":"0123456789abcdef"}]'


Exception from 'data': {'error': 'Key already present: 0004', 'success': False}
Example 5 -- Delete and add the same key in the same command
chia data update_data_store --id=1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f -d '[{"action":"delete", "key":"0004"}, {"action":"insert", "key":"0004", "value":"0123456789abcdef"}]'


'success': True,
'tx_id': '0xf2631a4d326d937b4ac4c89c400d4f33b2d3caf34d7794cf89e2c5d06c9a4648'

Show the result of running the previous command:

chia data get_keys_values --id 1a119374fc7d7055d3419fdcd7f93065f28a1e4acacdf9c73b933b27b685550f


{'keys_values': [{'atom': None, 'hash': '0x26e60dd9b493eee1f6781fc13dd025e0bfafcde5a103c95dd087d91bd848d406', 'key': '0x0004', 'value': '0x0123456789abcdef'}, {'atom': None, 'hash': '0xc2dc94c2a85d7db4cfdd1d907bcc441c8fce595db2e2075b973fb8171e2f19a2', 'key': '0x0005', 'value': '0xbeadfeed'}], 'success': True}
Example 6 -- Show a key/value pair that was inserted into the Climate Warehouse

The hex from this example can be decoded to obtain the following:

key = project|7539ec69-cb8e-44d6-8823-e0b11501bd43
value = {
"sector":"Energy distribution",
"projectType":"Ozone Depleting Substances",
"coveredByNDC":"Outside NDC",
"methodology":"Baseline Methodology for decomposition of N2O from existing adipic acid production plants --- Version 3.0",
"validationBody":"Carbon Check (India) Private Ltd.",


Functionality: Verifies a merkle proof of inclusion

Usage: chia data verify_proof [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-p--proofTEXTTrueProof to validate in JSON format
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERFalseSet the fingerprint to specify which wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit

Notes about this command:

  • It only needs to perform a single lookup of the on-chain root.
  • It doesn't need to have synced any of the data, or be subscribed to the data store.
  • To keep the proofs smaller, only the clvm hash of the key and value are included in the proof, and not the actual key or value. (A clvm hash is just a sha256 hash of the data prepended with 0x01.)
  • Datalayer uses CLVM hashes for ease of verification in CLVM, although for this specific use case, there is no on-chain validation happening.
  • When using this command, pay attention to the current_root value in the returned JSON.
    • If current_root is True, this data chains to the current published root, and so if you synced the data, you can be sure it would be there.
    • If current_root is False, the root has moved from the time the proof was generated. You cannot make any assumptions in this case about whether the data is in fact in the datastore or not since the root has changed, therefore the data might have changed. It is up to the caller to determine how to treat this case; one possible action would be to obtain a new proof.

The proof to validate requires several fields:

  • coin_id
  • inner_puzzle_hash
  • store_proofs
    • proofs
      • key_clvm_hash
      • value_clvm_hash
      • node_hash
      • layers

Each of these fields is output with the get_proof command. For more examples, see chia-blockchain PR #16845.

chia data verify_proof -p '{"coin_id": "0x774e5f9ba7a8afbfa7fd2050347b4a2d400d3cd530637a18b61b094bb5a0f756", "inner_puzzle_hash": "0x875cc80014bc72f2028c27500d5b44bf6906cd13ad16d7b5f4a5da77a06c8c2f", "store_proofs": {"proofs": [{"key_clvm_hash": "0xa143e7ffd81147f136f921fef88760c46c7a05f15b81995f9c5cfed2a737a3f1","layers": [], "node_hash": "0xe488fa1bf0f712b224df0daf312b3d479f80e3a330d4bebd8f26a0d52dc0ebbb", "value_clvm_hash": "0xed052604ee4ff3996c15ef9b2cb0925233a2e78b6168bb6e67d133e074109b42"}], "store_id": "0x7de232eecc08dc5e524ad42fad205c9ec7dd3f342677edb7c2e139c51f55d40e"}}'


"current_root": true,
"success": true,
"verified_clvm_hashes": {
"inclusions": [
"key_clvm_hash": "0xa143e7ffd81147f136f921fef88760c46c7a05f15b81995f9c5cfed2a737a3f1",
"value_clvm_hash": "0xed052604ee4ff3996c15ef9b2cb0925233a2e78b6168bb6e67d133e074109b42"
"store_id": "0x7de232eecc08dc5e524ad42fad205c9ec7dd3f342677edb7c2e139c51f55d40e"


Functionality: Request that the wallet service be logged in to the specified fingerprint

Usage: chia data wallet_log_in [OPTIONS]


Short CommandLong CommandTypeRequiredDescription
-dp--data-rpc-portINTEGERFalseSet the port where the DataLayer is hosting the RPC interface. See rpc_port under wallet in config.yaml
-f--fingerprintINTEGERTrueFingerprint of the wallet to use
-h--helpNoneFalseShow a help message and exit