
Observer Wallet Guide



An observer wallet is a wallet that cannot be used for sending transactions. In other words, it is a read-only wallet. This is a powerful concept for HODLers and farmers alike.


Currently, you need to understand how to use a command line interface (CLI) in order to set up an observer wallet. Eventually, we will make this setup easier for GUI users.

Until the introduction of observer wallets, the Chia reference wallet always stored each public/private key pair locally. It was possible to maintain an offline key, for example in order to receive farmer rewards, but checking the balance required using a blockchain explorer. However, as a privacy feature, Chia wallets generate a new address each time they receive money. A blockchain explorer is therefore not always able to provide an accurate view of a wallet's history.

With an observer wallet, you can view your wallet's history and balance without the risk of funds being stolen by someone who gains access to your computer.

Current Status

The concept of an observer wallet was first introduced to Chia's reference wallet in version 2.4.0. In this version, it is possible to create an observer wallet from a command line, and use it with the GUI. The user experience will improve as more features get added, but for now the core functionality is in place.

Eventually, we will add the ability to sign transactions using an external signer.

Set up

This guide assumes you have a wallet set up in non-observer mode, and that you want to set up the same wallet in observer mode on a new computer where Chia is also installed.

The first step is to obtain the wallet's master public key from the original computer. Open a command prompt or terminal window, and enter the following:

chia keys show

Locate your wallet's fingerprint. You will see something like the following:

Showing all public keys derived from your master key:

Label: Testnet11 Small
Fingerprint: <fingerprint>
Master public key (m): <master public key>
Farmer public key (m/12381/8444/0/0): <farmer public key>
Pool public key (m/12381/8444/1/0): <pool public key>
First wallet address: <address>

Save a copy of the key shown with Master public key (m): in a text file. This file must only contain the public key, and it must be on a single line. Copy this file to the computer on which you want to load the wallet in observer mode.

From your second computer, run the following command to add your wallet in observer mode:

chia keys add -f <file name> -l "<Name>"

Be sure to enter the actual file path, as well as whatever name you want to call your observer wallet. The output will look something like the following:

Added public key with fingerprint <fingerprint>

You may also see a warning such as the following, which can be safely ignored:

WARNING: using a farmer address which we might not have the private keys for. We searched the first 50 addresses. Consider overriding  with
WARNING: using a pool address which we might not have the private keys for. We searched the first 50 addresses. Consider overriding with

Your observer wallet has been added.


If your observer wallet is not immediately displayed in the GUI, click View --> Reload, and it should appear:

observer wallet

Your observer wallet should now be displayed. It might have a different icon than the original wallet. Click this wallet to view it:

observer wallet

You can now send funds to this wallet, and its balance will be updated, just like a non-observer wallet's balance. You can even redirect your farming rewards to this wallet:

observer wallet

By definition, observer wallets are read-only. To test this, you can try sending funds to another wallet:

observer wallet

This should result in an error:

observer wallet