

收割机是一些独立的机器,由农民控制。 在大规模耕作活动中,农民可能与许多收割机连接在一起。

收割机通过从磁盘检索质量或证明来控制实际的绘图文件。 最小容量的图(也是最常见的) 是 k32,大约相当于100 GiB。 每次递增一个k值,绘图大小大约加倍,所以一块k33地块大约为200 GiB,k34大约为400 GiB等。

每4608个区块,难度水平会自动调整,为每两个信标点选择一个空间证明——在整个网络空间上。 这是目标平均值——每个信标点也可以有零或多个证明。 这导致大约每24小时会进行难度调整。


  1. 获取初始质量 — 这需要进行大约7次随机磁盘扫描,在慢速HDD上就是70毫秒。
  2. (仅在初始质量足够高的情况下执行) 获取完整的证明——这需要大约64次磁盘扫描,在慢速HDD上就是 640 毫秒。

就大多数挑战而言,质量 ( 步骤1) 很低,所以没有必要获取全部证明(步骤2)。 一个节点有28秒的时间返回一个证明,所以磁盘I/O 不会是一个限制因素, 即使证明存储在慢速HDD上。


磁带驱动器太慢无法耕种。 The protocol was designed to support hard disks, but nothing slower. It is possible to use tape for long-term plot storage, only transferring the plots to disks for occasional farming, but this is likely a very rare use case.

Finally, harvesters also maintain a private key for each plot. The blocks are signed with these keys, which is an important concept in Chia. It means that even when a farmer is a member of a pool, the farmer still controls the contents of a block. This is quite different from other blockchains' pooling protocols, where the pool operators are the ones signing the blocks.


The harvester algorithm is discussed in greater detail in the Harvester Algorithm page.