联合耕种(Pool Farming)
由于不断增长的网络空间(network space,netspace),在 Chia 中获得区块奖励会变得非常困难,即便是使用多个硬盘进行耕种的用户,也可能需要数月甚至数年的时间。 联合耕种可以确保持续获得小额但稳定的区块奖励。 例如,独自耕种每20周可以获得2XCH的用户,通过加入联合耕种可以每周以更加稳定的方式获得0.1XCH。
Chia的联合耕种协议(pooling protocol)允许将地块分配给“联合耕种农田(Plot NFT)”,它类似于区块链上的合约,您可以控制它,并在其中设置当前分配到哪个联合耕种地址。 还可以随时更改分配给NFT地块的联合耕种地址。
使用联合耕种协议,农民(farmer)将与特定的联合耕种服务器通信,并频繁向该联合耕种地址发送空间证明,用以证明拥有已生成空间的大小。 因此,联合耕种服务器可以跟踪其每个成员(即农民)的空间,每当其中一名成员赢得一个区块时,联合耕种服务器可以根据每个农民贡献的空间比例分发奖励。
正因如此,联合耕种有点像彩票保险:所有成员参与Chia的“彩票”,每当其中一名成员中奖时,联合耕种获得奖励并将其分配给所有成员,减去一小 笔手续费。 The reward is divided into two tranches: 7/8 is split among the pool members, and the other 1/8 goes directly to the farmer who won the block.
The official pooling protocol was introduced in version 1.2 in mid-2021. All plots created before this point, as well as newer plots created with following the pooling protocol, are not eligible for pooling. The official pooling protocol was introduced in version 1.2 in mid-2021. All plots created before this point, as well as newer plots created with following the pooling protocol, are not eligible for pooling. If you have any of these "OG" plots, you can either recreate them using a plot NFT, or co-farm them on the same machine as your official pool plots.
In order to set up your farm for pooling, you need to have a synced full node and wallet. In the upper-right corner of your wallet, you should see green icons next to FUll NODE
: In the upper-right corner of your wallet, you should see green icons next to FUll NODE

If you want to avoid syncing from genesis, you can download a database checkpoint.
For more info, see our blog post on this subject.
开始联合耕种之前,请确保钱包里面拥有一小笔XCH。 可以向朋友索取mojo(1 mojo等于0.000000000001 XCH),或者到https://faucet.chia.net/获取mojo。 You can use the receive address on the Tokens
page, and you can also create new receive addresses. Any of the receive addresses can be used; they are all part of the same wallet. Any of the receive addresses can be used; they are all part of the same wallet.
第三步:创建联合耕种农田(Plot NFT)
Using the CLI
- 独自耕种:这个联合耕种农田不会连接到任何联合耕种服务器,1.75 XCH将直接进入你的钱包。 这与旧的(原始)地块(OG)不同,因为旧地块永远锁定在独自耕种状态。 使用命令行:
chia plotnft create -s local
- 连接联合耕种:加入一个联合耕种池,并在生成地块后立即开始耕种。 使用命令行:
chia plotnft create -s pool -u https://bar.examplepool.org
请注意,即便选择的是选项1,以后仍然可以加入联合耕种池,并且可以随时切换到其它池。 如果决定加入一个联合耕种池,请输入网址 (必须以 *https://*开头),然后查看描述。 如果同意, 则开始创建联合耕种农田, 并等待它被确认 (只点击一次)。 这可能需要几分钟的时间才能得到确认,然后出现在“联合耕种”选项卡中。 您只需要 1 个联合耕种农田。
Click the Pooling
icon on the left side of your wallet, and click JOIN A POOL

Select Connect to pool
. You will need to enter a valid pool URL. Select Connect to pool
. You will need to enter a valid pool URL. For a list of Chia pools, see chialinks.com.
Creating a plot NFT requires an on-chain transaction that will cost one mojo. You are also recommended to enter a blockchain fee. Depending on how busy the network is, a one-mojo fee is typically enough to complete your transaction within a few minutes. You are also recommended to enter a blockchain fee. Depending on how busy the network is, a one-mojo fee is typically enough to complete your transaction within a few minutes.

If you entered a valid pool URL, the details will pop up. For example, this pool has a fee of 1%. If everything looks acceptable, click CREATE
: If everything looks acceptable, click CREATE

Your transaction will be pushed to the blockchain. While it is pending, a new screen will appear: While it is pending, a new screen will appear:

After the transaction has been finalized (typically 1-3 minutes), the details of your plot NFT will appear.
A two-word name will automatically be assigned to your plot NFT.
第 4 步:添加地块
You can now start creating plots for this Plot NFT, which means these plots will be "pooling" and can earn rewards more often.
Detailed instructions can be found in the "How to Plot" page:
You should see your plots in the Pooling
dialog. The status should say Pooling``. 在这里,可以看到当前农田的难度,已获得的积分(points)以及联合耕种池认为您拥有的积分(积分余额)。 The status should say
Pooling`. 在这里,可以看到当前农田的难度,已获得的积分(points)以及联合耕种池认为您拥有的积分(积 分余额)。

难度是一个对于每个联合耕种农田都不同的值,它决定了为这些地块寻找证明的难度。 这个值会自动设置,以决定查找证明的频繁程度(每隔几分钟或几小时)。 每找到一个证明,将获得 难度
积分。 拥有大量地块的农民将拥有较高的难度,以保持磁盘使用量在较低水平。
积分是一种计算地块找到了多少证明的方式。 每个K32地块每天平均会获得10个积分,与难度无关。 积分与Chia(XCH)不同。 积分只是反映了进行了多少耕种的值。 可以将其视为一种会计工具。 根据您获得的积分数,由联合耕种池定期发放XCH,并将您的积分重置为0,这是矿池的责任。
To change pools, click on the CHANGE POOL
button and enter the new pool URL. 请注意,更改联合耕种池有一个等待期,可能会持续几分钟到一小时左右。 请注意,更改联合耕种池有一个等待期,可能会持续几分钟到一小时左右。 请在此过程中不要关闭应用程序。 可以随意更改联合耕种池,而且不需要进行注册或支付任何罚款。 请注意,如果更改了联合耕种池,之前的耕种池不再有义务继续向你支付收益。
您应该确保在过去24小时内的积分数是准确的。 每天每个k32地块应该获得大约10个积分,所以如果有100个k32的地块,每天应该获得大约1000个积分。 确保您的积分在持续增长。 支付后,积分余额将重置为零。 积分将随机出现,因为查找证明也是随机的。 因此,预计会有很多变化,并且会有好运和坏运的时候。