
DataLayer Permissions


Chia DataLayer™ is a decentralized database that enables the redundant storage of off-chain data, auditable on the Chia blockchain. DataLayer uses an open and permissionless publish/subscribe model, which makes it possible for anyone to view and audit the data.

Many users -- especially those in the enterprise space -- would like to keep their data private.

DataLayer Permissions give owners of data stores a method to gate participation, thus keeping their data private. This is accomplished by using customizable plugins.

This guide will show you how to get started with DataLayer Permissions. Additional resources include:

About DataLayer permissions

Support for permissions were added to DataLayer in version 1.8.0 of the Chia reference wallet. The permissioning system requires uploader (publisher) and downloader (subscriber) plugins, which function as follows:

  • When you push any changes to your DataLayer singleton, the uploader plugin is called
  • When one of your subscribed singletons makes any on-chain changes, the downloader plugin is called

The uploader and downloader plugins take the form of a service that exposes a specific RESTful API that DataLayer will call. This service can be configured in multiple different ways:

  • Uploader only
  • Downloader only
  • Both uploader and downloader

Multiple instances of the same service are also possible. The service can be configured to require credentials, thereby gating access to data.

Chia configuration

To configure Chia to use DataLayer permissions, you need to add a list of URLs to config.yaml which allows access to the uploaders and downloaders. The settings to configure are new as of 1.8.0. To add them, you have two options:

  1. Start from scratch

    • Delete or rename ~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml
    • Run chia init; a new copy of config.yaml that contains the new settings will be generated
  2. Add the settings manually

    • Edit ~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml
    • Under the data_layer: settings, add the following new lines:
      • downloaders: []
      • uploaders: []

At this point, you can edit config.yaml and add the URL path(s) to either or both of the plugins. Be sure to remove the square brackets [] if you add any URLs. For example, a snippet of config.yaml with the uploaders and downloaders configured might look like this:

client_timeout: 15
database_path: data_layer/db/data_layer_CHALLENGE.sqlite
- http://localhost:9456
- http://localhost:3145
- http://localhost:9456
- http://localhost:9384

Finally, restart Chia, ensuring that DataLayer and the propagation server are both configured to run. This is the only configuration that is required in Chia itself. The rest of the configuration is left up to the plugin service.


The expected REST API for the plugins is as follows - all requests are POST requests.


TLS connections are not yet supported. They may work as long as the proper root certificates are in the Chia certificate bundle, but this is untested.


Functionality: Configure a store for uploading

Request Parameters:

store_idSTRINGTrueThe store ID, in hex format

Response: {"handle_upload": [true|false]}


Functionality: Configure a store for downloading from a mirror

Request Parameters:

store_idSTRINGTrueThe store ID, in hex format
urlSTRINGTrueThe URL of the mirror to download from

Response: Response: {"handle_download": [true|false]}


Technically the mirror URL is just a string. It's not required to be formatted as a URI, but it's expected it will normally be such (eg, http://, s3://, file://, ftp://, etc)


Functionality: Upload data to a store

Request Parameters:

store_idSTRINGTrueThe store ID, in hex format
full_tree_filenameSTRINGTrueName of full tree dat file
diff_filenameSTRINGTrueName of delta dat file

Response: {"uploaded": [true|false]}


The filenames are just - names - and the plugin is expected to be configured such that it can locate these files. We do not send the entire file contents. This does mean that the plugin needs access to a shared file system. Therefore, although the plugin service could technically run on a separate machine, we expect most plugin services to be run on the localhost.


Functionality: Download a data file from a URI

Request Parameters:

urlSTRINGTrueThe URI for the download, eg "server_info.url"
filenameSTRINGTrueThe name of the file to download, eg "file1.dat"

Response: {"downloaded": [true|false]}


The downloader plugin must place the files into the same directory that Chia DataLayer expects files - which is configured in the chia config.yaml configuration as service_files_location


Functionality: Add missing files to a store

Request Parameters:

store_idSTRINGTrueThe store ID, in hex format
filesLISTTrueThe list of files to be added, for example: ["file1.dat", "file2.dat"]

Response: {"uploaded": [true|false]}


Chia DataLayer will provide a complete list of DAT files for all generations from the beginning to the end that are needed to reconstruct the entire data. The plugin is expected to check its internal list of files and then upload whatever files might be missing. This is useful when adding a new uploader plugin to an existing deployment, or for troubleshooting. This is triggered automatically when add_missing_files is run on the CLI.


Functionality: Show info about the plugin

Request Parameters: None

Response: The plugin may return any information it considers useful for this call. The output will be displayed when the chia data plugins check CLI command is run. As a minimum, the plugin should response with an HTTP 200 response code , but typically some amount of text information is also expected (name, version, etc) in JSON format.

The Chia S3 plugin

Chia Network has released a reference S3 uploader/downloader plugin, which demonstrates how to use the plugin system, and also offers support for Amazon S3.

This plugin implements the REST API from the previous section. It uses the native AWS python library (boto3) to upload and download from S3. Along with this, it uses the typical credentials expected by an AWS resource.

By providing credentials configured correctly, the plugin can do downloads with a read-only credential and uploads with a write-credential. Without access to the credentials, the data in S3 is unavailable at large to the public - hence "permissioned".

A few notes about the S3 plugin:

  • It expects the mirror URL to use the s3:// scheme for downloads; it requires a bucket name for uploads.
  • It expects to be configured with a list of store_ids it is responsible for, along with an upload_bucket and/or a list of s3 download_urls.
  • Either upload_bucket, or download_urls, or both must be configured.

Example configuration:

Test-Instance: # just a name for the instance
log_filename: "s3_plugin.log"
log_level: INFO
server_files_location: # generally this only works if set to the same location as the Chia DataLayer `server_files_location`
port: 8998
access_key_id: "xxx"
secret_access_key: "xxx"
region: "xxx"

- store_id: "7acfcbd1ed73bfe2b698508f4ea5ed353c60ace154360272ce91f9ab0c8423c3"
upload_bucket: "chia-datalayer-test-bucket-2"
download_urls: ["s3://hello", "s3://goodbye"]
- store_id: "a14daf55d41ced6419bcd011fbc1f74ab9567fe55340d88435aa6493d628fa47"
download_urls: ["s3://hello", "s3://goodbye"]

The S3 plugin also supports the following optional endpoints. These are not called directly by the chia datalayer service, but are useful for further configuration of the plugin:


Functionality: Verifies that the RPC service is running

Request Parameters: None

Response: {"success": true}


Functionality: Add a new store

Request Parameters:

store_idSTRINGTrueThe store ID, in hex format
bucketSTRINGTrue*The name of the S3 bucket [* Either bucket or urls or both is required]
urlsLISTTrue*A list of s3 URLs, for example ["s3://one", "s3://two"] [* Either bucket or urls or both is required]

Success Response: {"success": true, "id": store id}

Failure Response: {"success": false, "reason": "reason for failure"}


Calling add_store_id for a store_id already in the config returns an error - there is no update option, only add and delete.


Functionality: Remove a store

Request Parameters:

store_idSTRINGTrueThe store ID, in hex format

Response: {"success": [true|false], "store_id":store id in hex if successful}


Removing a store ID that is not present in the config returns a True success code, but is otherwise ignored