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The following table is a comprehensive list of all forks (planned and activated) on Chia's blockchain. It was last updated on 2024-12-19.

Activation BlockActivation DateTypeBuildStatusDescription
2 300 0002022-07-22Soft1.3.0ActivatedDisallow negative division
3 630 0002023-05-07Soft1.7.0ActivatedRestrict AGG_SIG_UNSAFE message
3 886 6352023-07-01Soft1.8.0ActivatedCHIP-14 -- ASSERT_BEFORE_* conditions
4 510 0002023-11-12Soft2.0.0ActivatedCHIP-11 -- BLS/SECP CLVM Operators
5 496 0002024-06-13Hard2.1.0ActivatedCHIP-12 -- Decrease plot filter
5 716 0002024-07-30Soft2.3.0ActivatedCHIP-25 -- Chialisp Message Conditions
5 940 0002024-09-17Soft2.4.0ActivatedDisallow infinity G1 points
6 800 0002025-03-22Soft2.5.0ActivatedCHIP-36 -- keccak256 CLVM operator