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Wallet Protocol

Wallet protocol source

This protocol is a bidirectional protocol for communication between full nodes and wallets in the Chia system. This is also sometimes referred to as the light client protocol.

The wallet protocol contains two sub protocols by which a wallet can sync transaction from a node.

Privacy Protocol

The first is the privacy protocol, where the wallet downloads each header and checks the filter for transactions. It is more private, but much slower.

The second is the fast sync protocol, where the wallet directly asks the node to look for certain coin ids or puzzle hashes. It has less privacy but is much faster. The following is the flow for syncing for a wallet that any wallet developer should follow. It is important to connect to several random nodes to increase security. This sync protocol should be very fast for users who don't have many transactions.

  1. Perform a DNS lookup to obtain random node IPS: dig
  2. Connect to a few nodes, to ensure the server does not omit transactions. The nodes will send a new_peak_wallet message with their claimed peaks.
  3. Download a weight proof from one of the nodes (or several) with the heaviest peak
  4. Verify the weight proof to make sure the claimed peak is correct
  5. Subscribe to first 100 puzzle hashes for our key (both observer and non-observer)
  6. Validate the puzzle hash subscription state returned from the full node. This requires making sure the block in which these coins are included is part of the chain of SubEpochSummaries. Only the block hashes have to be checked here. Furthermore, a few block headers (around 30-50) should be validated after this block to make sure it is properly buried.
  7. From step 5, we obtain all coin IDs which we are interested in, and we restore any CAT wallets for coins which have our puzzle hash in the hint.
  8. Subscribe to interesting coin IDs
  9. Validate the coin subscription returned from the full node, similar to how it's done in step 5

Protocol Messages


A request from the wallet to the full node for the puzzle and solution of a certain spent coin ID.

class RequestPuzzleSolution(Streamable):
coin_name: bytes32 # ID of the spent coin
height: uint32 # Spent height


A response to a request_puzzle_solution request.

class RespondPuzzleSolution(Streamable):
response: PuzzleSolutionResponse

class PuzzleSolutionResponse(Streamable):
coin_name: bytes32
height: uint32
puzzle: Program
solution: Program


A rejection to a request_puzzle_solution request.

class RejectPuzzleSolution(Streamable):
coin_name: bytes32
height: uint32


A message by which a wallet can send a transaction to the mempool and broadcast it to the network. The full node will attempt to include it into the mempool.

class SendTransaction(Streamable):
transaction: SpendBundle


A response to a send_transaction message. After attempting to include the transaction, the mempool inclusion status is returned, with an optional english error string in case it did not succeed.

class MempoolInclusionStatus(IntEnum):
SUCCESS = 1 # Transaction added to mempool
PENDING = 2 # Transaction not yet added to mempool
FAILED = 3 # Transaction was invalid and dropped

class TransactionAck(Streamable):
txid: bytes32
status: uint8 # MempoolInclusionStatus
error: Optional[str]


A notification from the full node to the wallet that the blockchain's peak has changed.

class NewPeakWallet(Streamable):
header_hash: bytes32 # New peak of the blockchain
height: uint32 # New peak's height
weight: uint128 # New peak's weight
fork_point_with_previous_peak: uint32


A request from the wallet to the full node for a HeaderBlock at a specific height.

class RequestBlockHeader(Streamable):
height: uint32 # Height of the header block


A response to a request_block_header request.

class RespondBlockHeader(Streamable):
header_block: HeaderBlock


A request from the wallet to the full node for a HeaderBlock at a specific height.
NOTE: this message deprecates and replaces request_header_blocks (flip block and header).

class RequestBlockHeaders(Streamable):
height: uint32 # Height of the header block


A response to a request_block_headers request.
NOTE: this message deprecates and replaces respond_header_blocks (flip block and header).

class RespondBlockHeaders(Streamable):
header_block: HeaderBlock


A rejection to a request_block_headers request.
NOTE: this message deprecates and replaces reject_header_blocks (flip block and header).

class RejectBlockHeaders(Streamable):
start_height: uint32
end_height: uint32


A rejection to a request_block_header request.

class RejectHeaderRequest(Streamable):
height: uint32


A request from the wallet to the full node for the removals (removed coins) of a certain block. If coin_names is None, we are requesting all removals in the block. Otherwise, we are requesting only these specific removal coin IDs.

class RequestRemovals(Streamable):
height: uint32 # Height of the block
header_hash: bytes32 # Header hash of the block
coin_names: Optional[List[bytes32]]


A response to a request_removals request. If coin_names is None, all removals are returned, and proofs is set to None. Otherwise, only the requested coins are returned, (id to coin tuples) and a proof is returned for each coin id (id to proof tuples). The proofs are merkle set inclusion proofs. See in chia-blockchain for more info on how to verify these proofs.

class RespondRemovals(Streamable):
height: uint32
header_hash: bytes32
coins: List[Tuple[bytes32, Optional[Coin]]]
proofs: Optional[List[Tuple[bytes32, bytes]]]


A rejection to a request_removals request.

class RejectRemovalsRequest(Streamable):
height: uint32
header_hash: bytes32


A request from the wallet to the full node for the additions (added coins) of a certain block. If puzzle_hashes is None, we are requesting all additions in the block. Otherwise, we are requesting only additions which have this puzzle hash.

class RequestAdditions(Streamable):
height: uint32
header_hash: Optional[bytes32]
puzzle_hashes: Optional[List[bytes32]]


A response to a request_additions request. If puzzle_hashes is None, all additions are returned, and proofs is set to None. Otherwise, only the requested coins are returned, (puzzle_hash to list of coin tuples, since multiple coins can have the same puzzle hash) and a proof is returned for each coin (puzzle_hash, proof, proof2 tuples). The proofs are merkle set inclusion proofs. See in chia-blockchain for more info on how to verify these proofs. proof refers to a proof of the puzzle hash in the merkle set, and proof2 is the merkle proof of sha256(concatenation of coin ids) for each puzzle hash, in the merkle set. Both are included as elements in the merkle set for each block.

class RespondAdditions(Streamable):
height: uint32
header_hash: bytes32
coins: List[Tuple[bytes32, List[Coin]]] # puzzle hash => List[Coin] with that puzzle hash
proofs: Optional[List[Tuple[bytes32, bytes, Optional[bytes]]]] # Puzzle hash. proof, proof2


A rejection to a request_additions request

class RejectAdditionsRequest(Streamable):
height: uint32
header_hash: bytes32


DEPRECATED: this message has been deprecated and replaced with request_block_headers (flip block and header).
A request from the wallet to the full node for a list of consecutive header blocks, inclusive.

class RequestHeaderBlocks(Streamable):
start_height: uint32
end_height: uint32


DEPRECATED: this message has been deprecated and replaced with reject_block_headers (flip block and header).
A rejection for a request_header_blocks request.

class RejectHeaderBlocks(Streamable):
start_height: uint32
end_height: uint32


DEPRECATED: this message has been deprecated and replaced with respond_block_headers (flip block and header).
A response to a request_header_blocks request.

class RespondHeaderBlocks(Streamable):
start_height: uint32
end_height: uint32
header_blocks: List[HeaderBlock]


A request from the wallet to the full node to register for updates to a puzzle hash. This is part of the fast sync protocol. Whenever a new coin with one of these puzzle hashes (or hint) is created or spent, the full node will send a notification to the wallet (coin_state_update). Also, a one time notification is sent back with all the updates (respond_to_ph_updates).

class RegisterForPhUpdates(Streamable):
puzzle_hashes: List[bytes32]
min_height: uint32


A one-time response to register_for_ph_updates with all the confirmation or spent heights, and all the CoinStates. CoinState is an object that shows a change in a coin. if spent_height is not None, that means the coin was spent. If created_height is not None, that means the coin was created but not spent. If both are None, it means the coin was reverted (reorged out of the chain) and no longer exists.

class RespondToPhUpdates(Streamable):
puzzle_hashes: List[bytes32]
min_height: uint32
coin_states: List[CoinState]

class CoinState(Streamable):
coin: Coin
spent_height: Optional[uint32]
created_height: Optional[uint32]


A request from the wallet to the full node to register for updates to a coin ID. This is part of the fast sync protocol. Whenever a new coin with one of these coin IDs is created or spent, the full node will send a notification to the wallet (coin_state_update). Also, a one time notification is sent back with all the updates (respond_to_coin_updates).

class RegisterForCoinUpdates(Streamable):
coin_ids: List[bytes32]
min_height: uint32


A one-time response to register_for_coin_updates with all the confirmation or spent heights, and all the CoinStates.

class RespondToCoinUpdates(Streamable):
coin_ids: List[bytes32]
min_height: uint32
coin_states: List[CoinState]


This is an update but not in response to a request. The full node will send the update whenever a new block is confirmed which contains removals or additions that are interesting to the wallet.

class CoinStateUpdate(Streamable):
height: uint32
fork_height: uint32
peak_hash: bytes32
items: List[CoinState]


A request from the wallet to the node for the children of a certain (spent) coin ID.

class RequestChildren(Streamable):
coin_name: bytes32


A response to a request_children request.

class RespondChildren(Streamable):
coin_states: List[CoinState]


A request from the wallet to the full node for SubEpochSummary heights. This is used for the fast sync protocol, to know where sub epochs start and end.

class RequestSESInfo(Streamable):
start_height: uint32
end_height: uint32


A response to a request_ses_info request.

class RespondSESInfo(Streamable):
reward_chain_hash: List[bytes32]
heights: List[List[uint32]]

The below messages have been added via Chip 26. These have been added to the reference node codebase but have not been implemented in the reference wallet as of January 2025.


Removes puzzle hashes from the subscription list (or all of them if None).

class RequestRemovePuzzleSubscriptions:
puzzle_hashes: Optional[List[bytes32]]


Returns the hashes that were actually removed.

class RespondRemovePuzzleSubscriptions:
puzzle_hashes: List[bytes32]


Removes coin ids from the subscription list (or all of them if None)

class RequestRemoveCoinSubscriptions:
coin_ids: Optional[List[bytes32]]


Returns the ids that were actually removed.

class RespondRemoveCoinSubscriptions:
coin_ids: List[bytes32]


Requests coin states that match the given puzzle hashes (or hints).
When subscribe is set to True, it will add and return as many coin ids to the subscriptions list as possible.
When subscribe is set to True and mempool updates are enabled (can be done during the handshake) mempool update messages will be sent (including an initial MempoolItemsAdded message when you subscribe for the first time). Filter out spent, unspent, or hinted coins, as well as coins below a minimum amount.

class RequestPuzzleState:
puzzle_hashes: List[bytes32]
previous_height: Optional[uint32]
header_hash: bytes32
filters: CoinStateFilters
subscribe_when_finished: bool

class CoinStateFilters:
include_spent: bool
include_unspent: bool
include_hinted: bool
min_amount: uint64


Responds with coin states that match the given puzzle hashes (or hints).

class RespondPuzzleState:
puzzle_hashes: List[bytes32]
height: uint32
header_hash: bytes32
is_finished: bool
coin_states: List[CoinState]


Reject request_puzzle_state in the event that a reorg is detected by a node, this is the only scenario it will be rejected like this.

class RejectPuzzleState:
reason: uint8 # RejectStateReason

class RejectStateReason(IntEnum):


Request coin states that match the given coin ids.
When subscribe is set to True, it will add and return as many coin ids to the subscriptions list as possible.
When subscribe is set to True and mempool updates are enabled (can be done during the handshake) mempool update messages will be sent (including an initial MempoolItemsAdded message when you subscribe for the first time).

class RequestCoinState:
coin_ids: List[bytes32]
previous_height: Optional[uint32]
header_hash: bytes32
subscribe: bool


Respond with coin states that match the given coin ids.
This does not implement batching for simplicity. The order is also not guaranteed. However, you can still specify the previous_height and header_hash to start.

class RespondCoinState:
coin_ids: List[bytes32]
coin_states: List[CoinState]


Reject request_coin_state in the event that a reorg is detected by a node, this is the only scenario it will be rejected like this.

class RejectCoinState:
reason: uint8 # RejectStateReason

class RejectStateReason(IntEnum):


The below mempool update messages (including an initial MempoolItemsAdded message when you subscribe for the first time) are received when:

  • request_coin_state or request_puzzle_state messages are sent,
  • AND subscribe is set to True in the request,
  • AND mempool updates are enabled (can be done during the handshake).
class MempoolItemsAdded:
transaction_ids: List[bytes32]


The below mempool update messages (including an initial MempoolItemsAdded message when you subscribe for the first time) are received when:

  • request_coin_state or request_puzzle_state messages are sent,
  • AND subscribe is set to True in the request,
  • AND mempool updates are enabled (can be done during the handshake).
class MempoolItemsRemoved:
removed_items: List[RemovedMempoolItem]

class RemovedMempoolItem:
transaction_id: bytes32
reason: uint8 # MempoolRemoveReason

class MempoolRemoveReason(Enum):


Request various information about the costs of transactions, blocks, and the mempool.

class RequestCostInfo:


Respond with various information about the costs of transactions, blocks, and the mempool.

class RespondCostInfo:
max_transaction_cost: uint64
max_block_cost: uint64
max_mempool_cost: uint64
mempool_cost: uint64
mempool_fee: uint64
bump_fee_per_cost: uint8