Coin Set Intro
In any given blockchain, one of the most fundamental questions is, "How do we keep track of the state of the whole system?" Bitcoin uses the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model. Ethereum, along with many other blockchains, use the account model. Chia uses the coin set model, which is similar to UTXO.
The differences between the above models will be covered in the Coin Set vs UTXO page and the Coin Set vs Account page. For now, we'll start with a brief explanation of the coin set model.
The mantra everything is a coin will go a long way in helping you to understand the coin set model. There are no accounts. There are only coins.
Coins may only be spent once and anyone can attempt to spend them. However coins are locked with specific rules. They are written in Chialisp, a Turing-complete language with no side effects, allowing for complex functionality, including composability and interoperability between coins.
The majority of Chia's coins have one simple rule – "Anyone with the right private key can spend me."