DataLayer RPC
Note about Windows command escaping
This document will use Linux/MacOS RPC syntax. When running rpc commands on Windows, you'll need to escape all quotes with backslashes.
For example, here is a typical RPC command on Linux and MacOS:
chia rpc wallet create_new_wallet '{"wallet_type": "nft_wallet"}'
To run the same command on Windows, you need to escape the quotes, so it looks like this (the braces have been removed to support the formatting for this page. You still need to use them in your actual commands.):
chia rpc wallet create_new_wallet '{\"wallet_type\": \"nft_wallet\"}'
This page includes a comprehensive list of Chia's DataLayer RPC API.
We also have documented the DataLayer CLI commands for interacting with the DataLayer.
By default, the DataLayer RPC API is exposed on port 8562. This is configured in ~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml
under data_layer:rpc_port
. This port must not be exposed publicly for security concerns.
Commands that modify the blockchain include an optional fee. This fee can be specified in two ways:
- The "fee" parameter can be configured explicitly in the command, as several of the examples in this document show
- If the fee option is not explicitly specified, then the
setting in~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml
will be used. By default, this is set to 1 billion mojos (0.001 XCH) - If neither of these options is set, then no fee will be used
For commands that change the state of the DataLayer singleton (ie all on-chain commands), you will need to wait for confirmation before running another command. If you run a command before the previous transaction has been confirmed, you will receive this error: Request failed: {'error': 'Already have a pending root waiting for confirmation.', 'success': False}
Note: Hashes used as arguments for the commands documented here may or may not be prefixed with 0x
. Both forms are valid syntax.
Functionality: Add a new mirror from an owned or subscribed data store. Triggers a Chia transaction
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] add_mirror [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal ID of the store to mirror |
urls | TEXT | True | A list of URLs where the mirror will reside |
amount | INTEGER | True | The number of mojos to spend to create the mirror. In theory, mirrors with a higher amount will be prioritized |
fee | TEXT | False | Set the fee for the transaction, in mojos |
Create one mirror with multiple URLs:
chia rpc data_layer add_mirror '{"id":"0x1ad0908e248f48cc3e9b3cf8f68c748d2e3c5a2a933765032d3222086231ea5e", "urls":["", ""], "amount":1000000}'
"success": true
Functionality: Use the database to restore all files for one or more owned data stores
Note: For subscribed stores, this command will do nothing. Use unsubscribe and subscribe instead
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] add_missing_files [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
ids | TEXT | False | A list of hexadecimal store IDs to restore (default: all subscribed stores) |
override | BOOLEAN | False | If True , will overwrite files that already exist (default: False ) |
foldername | TEXT | False | The name of the folder where the files to be restored are located (default: ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_<network> ) |
For this example, there is one owned store:
ls ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet/
Intentionally move the files and create an empty folder. This will simulate file corruption:
mv ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet_bak
mkdir ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet/
Next, restore the files:
chia rpc data_layer add_missing_files
"success": true
Finally, verify that the files have been restored:
ls ~/.chia/mainnet/data_layer/db/server_files_location_testnet/
Functionality: Apply multiple updates to a data store with a given changelist. Triggers a Chia transaction
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] batch_update [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
changelist | TEXT | True | A string representing the changelist |
submit_on_chain | BOOLEAN | False | Specify whether to submit the update to the blockchain (True ), or to store it locally (False ). Default: True (See info box for details) |
fee | TEXT | False | Set the fee for the transaction, in mojos |
The submit_on_chain
flag was added in Chia version 2.3.0. In order to support the new functionality (submit an update off-chain), the schema for your root
table will be upgraded automatically upon starting the DataLayer service. This upgrade takes about three minutes to complete.
A few notes on the changelist
- The entire list must be formatted as a JSON array
- There are two actions allowed:
requires akey
flag only- Keys and values must be written in hex format. Values can be derived from text or binary.
- Labels, keys and values must all be enclosed in double quotes
- Multiple inserts and deletes are allowed
- The size of a single
flag is limited to 100 MiB. However, adding anything close to that size has not been tested and could produce unexpected results
The following examples will show the basic functionality of this command.
Example 1 -- Insert a single key/value pair
chia rpc data_layer batch_update '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "changelist":[{"action":"insert", "key":"0003", "value":"abc123"}]}'
"success": true,
"tx_id": "0x02c38815520bf517793418368c1a54641bc71318cad41b35932d0ceb7a489c5a"
Example 2 -- Delete a single key
chia rpc data_layer batch_update '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "changelist":[{"action":"delete", "key":"0003"}]}'
"success": true,
"tx_id": "0xddd4474cb1c17b4692a6600e54de52b8f0c982bb5321868b0a8071af571f131e"
Example 3 -- Insert two keys
chia rpc data_layer batch_update '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "changelist":[{"action":"insert", "key":"0x0004", "value":"123abc"},{"action":"insert", "key":"0005", "value":"0xbeadfeed"}]}'
"success": true,
"tx_id": "0x08403438a85afd1e3879f372f4d1b2987f3b677c20da1d61f840efd1fa5e3b74"
List all keys and values after running the previous command:
chia rpc data_layer get_keys_values '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a"}'
"keys_values": [
"atom": null,
"hash": "0x7e193b814080e50aa7780bcf71fd0422a0397ad3e57dc1eac71d93183efb39ba",
"key": "0x0004",
"value": "0x123abc"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xc2dc94c2a85d7db4cfdd1d907bcc441c8fce595db2e2075b973fb8171e2f19a2",
"key": "0x0005",
"value": "0xbeadfeed"
"success": true
Example 4 -- Show that you may not overwrite an existing key
chia rpc data_layer batch_update '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "changelist":[{"action":"insert", "key":"0002", "value":"0123456789abcdef"}]}'
Request failed: {'error': 'Key already present: 0002', 'success': False}
Example 5 -- Delete and add the same key in the same command
chia rpc data_layer batch_update '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "changelist":[{"action":"delete", "key":"0002"},{"action":"insert", "key":"0002", "value":"0123456789abcdef"}]}'
"success": true,
"tx_id": "0xc4fb487f6506129c17283c30f553c9a767298330636e8bd1f7ea2311e183ed1e"
Show that the key/value pair has actually been updated:
chia rpc data_layer get_value '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "key":"0002"}'
"success": true,
"value": "0123456789abcdef"
Example 6 -- Show a key/value pair that was inserted into the Climate Warehouse
"action": "insert",
"key": "70726f6a6563747c37353339656336392d636238652d343464362d383832332d653062313135303162643433",
"value": "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"
The hex from this example can be decoded to obtain the following:
key = project|7539ec69-cb8e-44d6-8823-e0b11501bd43
value = {
"sector":"Energy distribution",
"projectType":"Ozone Depleting Substances",
"coveredByNDC":"Outside NDC",
"methodology":"Baseline Methodology for decomposition of N2O from existing adipic acid production plants --- Version 3.0",
"validationBody":"Carbon Check (India) Private Ltd.",
Functionality: Cancel a DataLayer offer
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] cancel_offer [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
trade_id | TEXT | True | The trade_id of the offer. This is displayed with the response of the make_offer RPC |
secure | BOOLEAN | True | If true , the offer will be canceled on the blockchain, making it impossible to be accepted later. If false , the offer will only be canceled locally. We recommend that you set this to true unless you are certain that the offer file has not left your computer |
fee | TEXT | False | If secure is true , this will set the fee for the transaction, in mojos. If secure is false , the fee will be ignored |
Cancel an offer on-chain, using "secure":"true":
chia rpc data_layer cancel_offer '{"trade_id":"92652561cc3f40677d7d73513b4dde4a56da1c9edc0cfd9f03bb001b95df42af", "secure":"true", "fee":"1000"}'
"success": true
Functionality: Get information about configured uploader/downloader plugins
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] check_plugins [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc data_layer check_plugins
"plugin_status": {
"downloaders": {},
"uploaders": {}
"success": true
Functionality: Clear pending roots that will not be published, associated data may not be recoverable
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] clear_pending_roots [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
store_id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
chia rpc data_layer clear_pending_roots '{"store_id":"2772c8108e19f9fa98ff7bc7d4bafd821319bc90af6b610d086b85f4c21fa816"}'
"root": {
"generation": 2,
"node_hash": "ab8da7d5adec29fe1d12888fec462d0b18d72cec975599e178f98037cf3b8d13",
"status": 1,
"tree_id": "2772c8108e19f9fa98ff7bc7d4bafd821319bc90af6b610d086b85f4c21fa816"
"success": true
Functionality: Create a data store. Triggers a Chia transaction
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] create_data_store [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
fee | TEXT | False | Set the fee for the transaction, in mojos |
chia rpc data_layer create_data_store '{"fee":"1000"}'
"id": "31264f736a07683097a4b1bbedfa3b4d12631af1595b3905907a441bafb79c61",
"success": true,
"txs": [
"additions": [
"amount": 1,
"parent_coin_info": "0x7a97a37cac145bd13b4da93c496dc32e83a526918727e0f6a1c305af996726e9",
"puzzle_hash": "0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9"
"amount": 10983998895994,
"parent_coin_info": "0x7a97a37cac145bd13b4da93c496dc32e83a526918727e0f6a1c305af996726e9",
"puzzle_hash": "0xdc2d295cce761abd4123d03e7135c670d6c0ad39ec4e66503cec336439e8a2fb"
"amount": 1,
"parent_coin_info": "0x31264f736a07683097a4b1bbedfa3b4d12631af1595b3905907a441bafb79c61",
"puzzle_hash": "0xba017f832d945b23f7b0a3dc4850a3bb9aff6e92cd2a333a7987b60ced1dab0a"
"amount": 1,
"confirmed": false,
"confirmed_at_height": 0,
"created_at_time": 1660784389,
"fee_amount": 1000,
"memos": [],
"name": "0x76d1e179a15f097c116e75c73486c3d47f7ebbb4791b5216a2828807f4ad9a5f",
"removals": [
"amount": 10983998896995,
"parent_coin_info": "0x110a907b5676553746e75623dd32ad231c080e9dabe50a99bc43beebaaa13531",
"puzzle_hash": "0x3f5ea6f0f46c1d76fbc72e4116895536f7b7b167f9d9e5a38d708ad3e3fd434a"
"amount": 1,
"parent_coin_info": "0x7a97a37cac145bd13b4da93c496dc32e83a526918727e0f6a1c305af996726e9",
"puzzle_hash": "0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9"
"sent": 10,
"sent_to": [],
"spend_bundle": {
"aggregated_signature": "0xb600c2cd9ddafb6655e14fe99b293a742746ba82ef3f05b8bb3a375af0d3824011a1909348a16745e19f826aceb2534e08c0d939f01eb92f9bfac5eb8cf0c97bad353d5e0fa89f95f329c45c5797d59fe4b1a8ce23fa6a64bd2ac385170fedd5",
"coin_spends": [
"coin": {
"amount": 10983998896995,
"parent_coin_info": "0x110a907b5676553746e75623dd32ad231c080e9dabe50a99bc43beebaaa13531",
"puzzle_hash": "0x3f5ea6f0f46c1d76fbc72e4116895536f7b7b167f9d9e5a38d708ad3e3fd434a"
"puzzle_reveal": "0xff02ffff01ff02ffff01ff02ffff03ff0bffff01ff02ffff03ffff09ff05ffff1dff0bffff1effff0bff0bffff02ff06ffff04ff02ffff04ff17ff8080808080808080ffff01ff02ff17ff2f80ffff01ff088080ff0180ffff01ff04ffff04ff04ffff04ff05ffff04ffff02ff06ffff04ff02ffff04ff17ff80808080ff80808080ffff02ff17ff2f808080ff0180ffff04ffff01ff32ff02ffff03ffff07ff0580ffff01ff0bffff0102ffff02ff06ffff04ff02ffff04ff09ff80808080ffff02ff06ffff04ff02ffff04ff0dff8080808080ffff01ff0bffff0101ff058080ff0180ff018080ffff04ffff01b0a50a6518ead71676147c2ee69111eaf7ad247fc624f4ae8e7c2a7fdfd28c8a31560183506bfa9c657af220e0caacc378ff018080",
"solution": "0xff80ffff01ffff33ffa0eff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9ff0180ffff33ffa0dc2d295cce761abd4123d03e7135c670d6c0ad39ec4e66503cec336439e8a2fbff8609fd695a377a80ffff34ff8203e880ffff3cffa0b7fe85c45d675c4798e49b89c334dc345acdecb7955467e849c367b47495700e80ffff3dffa0cb7418c46c146ecf8515b5ec562c8d6884c6ff5a28daecfdb4a37301b3b92bb38080ff8080"
"coin": {
"amount": 1,
"parent_coin_info": "0x7a97a37cac145bd13b4da93c496dc32e83a526918727e0f6a1c305af996726e9",
"puzzle_hash": "0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9"
"puzzle_reveal": "0xff02ffff01ff04ffff04ff04ffff04ff05ffff04ff0bff80808080ffff04ffff04ff0affff04ffff02ff0effff04ff02ffff04ffff04ff05ffff04ff0bffff04ff17ff80808080ff80808080ff808080ff808080ffff04ffff01ff33ff3cff02ffff03ffff07ff0580ffff01ff0bffff0102ffff02ff0effff04ff02ffff04ff09ff80808080ffff02ff0effff04ff02ffff04ff0dff8080808080ffff01ff0bffff0101ff058080ff0180ff018080",
"solution": "0xffa0ba017f832d945b23f7b0a3dc4850a3bb9aff6e92cd2a333a7987b60ced1dab0aff01ffffa00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffa0a5927d1773b24c508abb547f7fb803c57841dc2ef85c3074707355830ddb1f7e8080"
"to_puzzle_hash": "0x0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202",
"trade_id": null,
"type": 0,
"wallet_id": 0
"additions": [
"amount": 1,
"parent_coin_info": "0x7a97a37cac145bd13b4da93c496dc32e83a526918727e0f6a1c305af996726e9",
"puzzle_hash": "0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9"
"amount": 10983998895994,
"parent_coin_info": "0x7a97a37cac145bd13b4da93c496dc32e83a526918727e0f6a1c305af996726e9",
"puzzle_hash": "0xdc2d295cce761abd4123d03e7135c670d6c0ad39ec4e66503cec336439e8a2fb"
"amount": 1,
"confirmed": false,
"confirmed_at_height": 0,
"created_at_time": 1660784389,
"fee_amount": 1000,
"memos": [],
"name": "0xa3128e387ecc892f9b4d7e0178ee3fab5620659b0dabcf34dd3305e0e10d221d",
"removals": [
"amount": 10983998896995,
"parent_coin_info": "0x110a907b5676553746e75623dd32ad231c080e9dabe50a99bc43beebaaa13531",
"puzzle_hash": "0x3f5ea6f0f46c1d76fbc72e4116895536f7b7b167f9d9e5a38d708ad3e3fd434a"
"sent": 0,
"sent_to": [],
"spend_bundle": null,
"to_puzzle_hash": "0xeff07522495060c066f66f32acc2a77e3a3e737aca8baea4d1a64ea4cdc13da9",
"trade_id": null,
"type": 1,
"wallet_id": 1
As a result of running the create_data_store
command, a new DataLayer wallet is created:
chia wallet show
Wallet height: 1399892
Sync status: Synced
Balances, fingerprint: 1871575185
Chia Wallet:
-Total Balance: 10.983998895994 txch (10983998895994 mojo)
-Pending Total Balance: 10.983998895994 txch (10983998895994 mojo)
-Spendable: 10.983998895994 txch (10983998895994 mojo)
-Wallet ID: 1
DataLayer Wallet:
-Total Balance: 0.0
-Pending Total Balance: 0.0
-Spendable: 0.0
-Wallet ID: 2
Functionality: Delete a key/value pair from a store that you control. Triggers a Chia transaction
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] delete_key [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
key | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal key |
fee | TEXT | False | Set the fee for the transaction, in mojos |
chia rpc data_layer delete_key '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "key":"0001", "fee":"100000"}'
"success": true,
"tx_id": "0x6cfbaff3f739f4b0e1d0fae3475966f0d4a19b8a89b483af1bf1cdc789bb9f3c"
Functionality: Delete a mirror, by coin_id
. Triggers a Chia transaction
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] delete_mirror [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The coin_id of the mirror to delete, obtainable by running get_mirrors |
fee | TEXT | False | Set the fee for the transaction, in mojos |
Example 1
chia rpc data_layer delete_mirror '{"id":"0x9a2132858b81907875a65123e592b7aea80b23724202ac21bba0aedf583f7427"}'
"success": true
Example 2
If you attempt to delete a mirror you did not create, this will fail:
chia rpc data_layer delete_mirror '{"id":"0x83a75913f8222eebfbc047d2ab3bf4b92bd5c37f3acaa336a0bb8b3b3168c879"}'
Request failed: {'error': "{'error': 'DL Wallet does not have permission to delete mirror with ID 83a75913f8222eebfbc047d2ab3bf4b92bd5c37f3acaa336a0bb8b3b3168c879', 'success': False}", 'success': False}
Functionality: Return all ancestors of a given hash
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_ancestors [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
hash | TEXT | True | The hash from which to display ancestors |
First get the root hash of a data store:
chia rpc data_layer get_root '{"id":"0x1ad0908e248f48cc3e9b3cf8f68c748d2e3c5a2a933765032d3222086231ea5e"}'
"confirmed": true,
"hash": "0xb5420e65846ded936d1e4855c066247fc461a3b281cd9e0e69f3cfa4df529ba2",
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1660724174
Next, get the ancestors of the root hash:
chia rpc data_layer get_ancestors '{"id":"0x1ad0908e248f48cc3e9b3cf8f68c748d2e3c5a2a933765032d3222086231ea5e","hash":"0xb5420e65846ded936d1e4855c066247fc461a3b281cd9e0e69f3cfa4df529ba2"}'
"ancestors": [],
"success": true
Functionality: Get all keys associated with a store_id
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_keys [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
root_hash | TEXT | False | The root hash from which to obtain data |
page | NUMBER | False | Enables pagination of the output and requests a specific page |
max_page_size | NUMBER | False | Set how many bytes to be included in a page. Only used if pagination is enabled. Default is 40 MB |
The root_hash
parameter is recommended to be used each time you call this RPC.
If root_hash
is not specified, there is no way to guarantee that the latest data is being shown
(stale data may be shown instead).
This parameter is obtainable by calling the get_root RPC.
Pagination is disabled by default. If it is enabled (by using the page
flag), then the JSON response will include total_pages
and total_bytes
, in addition to the data.
If an item is larger than max_page_size
, an error will be thrown.
chia rpc data_layer get_keys '{"id":"0x8f9601eba73a276d5b9e12fbec52b113217e89a55831ae1d80bca48462fbaea7", "root_hash": "0x9527cc5e43bf93062423221e9bec761cbc3f24a0811cb0738da2419dfe7649f7"}'
"keys": ["0x0001", "0x0002", "0x0003"],
"success": true
Functionality: Get all keys and values for a store. Must be subscribed to store ID
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_keys_values [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
root_hash | TEXT | False | The root hash from which to obtain data |
page | NUMBER | False | Enables pagination of the output and requests a specific page |
max_page_size | NUMBER | False | Set how many bytes to be included in a page. Only used if pagination is enabled. Default is 40 MB |
The root_hash
parameter is recommended to be used each time you call this RPC.
If root_hash
is not specified, there is no way to guarantee that the latest data is being shown
(stale data may be shown instead).
This parameter is obtainable by calling the get_root RPC.
Pagination is disabled by default. If it is enabled (by using the page
flag), then the JSON response will include total_pages
and total_bytes
, in addition to the data.
If an item is larger than max_page_size
, an error will be thrown.
First, we'll show show an example that does not specify the root hash. This will result in stale data being displayed, per the above message.
Note: omitting the root_hash
is not recommended.
Later, we will show the recommended way to call this RPC.
chia rpc data_layer get_keys_values '{"id":"0x8f9601eba73a276d5b9e12fbec52b113217e89a55831ae1d80bca48462fbaea7"}'
"keys_values": [
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xa03d7ea8e488d6443f51a8b586f11754447fb449dc48af881ee78ff77ec7cdb1",
"key": "0x0001",
"value": "0xfadedcab"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0x919735911d7f9ca0de316878ddb92e7772c9f39bf9d37e9d84ccab39f5d49a11",
"key": "0x0002",
"value": "0xcafef00d"
"success": true
Next, we will obtain the latest root_hash
chia rpc data_layer get_root '{"id":"0x8f9601eba73a276d5b9e12fbec52b113217e89a55831ae1d80bca48462fbaea7"}'
"confirmed": true,
"hash": "0x9527cc5e43bf93062423221e9bec761cbc3f24a0811cb0738da2419dfe7649f7",
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1679023336
Finally, we will call the RPC again, this time with the latest root_hash
chia rpc data_layer get_keys_values '{"id":"0x8f9601eba73a276d5b9e12fbec52b113217e89a55831ae1d80bca48462fbaea7", "root_hash": "0x9527cc5e43bf93062423221e9bec761cbc3f24a0811cb0738da2419dfe7649f7"}'
The result now contains all of theys anf values from the id
"keys_values": [
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xa03d7ea8e488d6443f51a8b586f11754447fb449dc48af881ee78ff77ec7cdb1",
"key": "0x0001",
"value": "0xfadedcab"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0x919735911d7f9ca0de316878ddb92e7772c9f39bf9d37e9d84ccab39f5d49a11",
"key": "0x0002",
"value": "0xcafef00d"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xe488fa1bf0f712b224df0daf312b3d479f80e3a330d4bebd8f26a0d52dc0ebbb",
"key": "0x0003",
"value": "0xabc123"
"success": true
Functionality: Get the kv diff between two hashes within the same store ID
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_kv_diff [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
hash_1 | TEXT | True | The first hash to compare |
hash_2 | TEXT | True | The second hash to compare |
page | NUMBER | False | Enables pagination of the output and requests a specific page |
max_page_size | NUMBER | False | Set how many bytes to be included in a page. Only used if pagination is enabled. Default is 40 MB |
Pagination is disabled by default. If it is enabled (by using the page
flag), then the JSON response will include total_pages
and total_bytes
, in addition to the data.
If an item is larger than max_page_size
, an error will be thrown.
chia rpc data_layer get_kv_diff '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "hash_1":"0x7e193b814080e50aa7780bcf71fd0422a0397ad3e57dc1eac71d93183efb39ba", "hash_2":"0x2477500c19f0ddfb147049769ce54425a4c4e2994a25e63e51c389cb8f0e912f"}'
"diff": [
"key": "0004",
"type": "DELETE",
"value": "123abc"
"key": "0002",
"type": "INSERT",
"value": "0123456789abcdef"
"success": true
Functionality: Get the root hash and timestamp of a store ID. Can be used for either owned or subscribed stores
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_local_root [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:s
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
chia rpc data_layer get_local_root '{"id":"8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d"}'
"hash": "0xcdb172490d2d1838e7cca24e28e2089ccbacf0e03b0f3d0a61eedae8462b3e75",
"success": true
Functionality: List all mirrors for a store ID
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_mirrors [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal ID of the store for which to list mirrors |
chia rpc data_layer get_mirrors '{"id":"0x1ad0908e248f48cc3e9b3cf8f68c748d2e3c5a2a933765032d3222086231ea5e"}'
"mirrors": [
"amount": 1000000,
"coin_id": "11f450c2f706cda88b3373855b3780d36822a7f0e94297eb88de7c63eb0bd4c7",
"launcher_id": "1ad0908e248f48cc3e9b3cf8f68c748d2e3c5a2a933765032d3222086231ea5e",
"ours": true,
"urls": ["", ""]
"success": true
Functionality: List the id (store_id
) of each data_store owned by this wallet
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_owned_stores [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc data_layer get_owned_stores
"store_ids": [
"success": true
Functionality: Obtains a merkle proof of inclusion for a given key
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_proof [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
store_id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
keys | STRING LIST | True | A list of keys for which to retrieve proofs |
The proof is a proof of inclusion that a given key, value pair is in the specified datalayer store by chaining the Merkle hashes up to the published on-chain root hash.
A user can generate a proof for multiple k,v pairs in the same datastore.
chia rpc data_layer get_proof '{"store_id": "7de232eecc08dc5e524ad42fad205c9ec7dd3f342677edb7c2e139c51f55d40e", "keys": ["0x0003"]}'
"proof": {
"coin_id": "0x774e5f9ba7a8afbfa7fd2050347b4a2d400d3cd530637a18b61b094bb5a0f756",
"inner_puzzle_hash": "0x875cc80014bc72f2028c27500d5b44bf6906cd13ad16d7b5f4a5da77a06c8c2f",
"store_proofs": {
"proofs": [
"key_clvm_hash": "0xa143e7ffd81147f136f921fef88760c46c7a05f15b81995f9c5cfed2a737a3f1",
"layers": [],
"node_hash": "0xe488fa1bf0f712b224df0daf312b3d479f80e3a330d4bebd8f26a0d52dc0ebbb",
"value_clvm_hash": "0xed052604ee4ff3996c15ef9b2cb0925233a2e78b6168bb6e67d133e074109b42"
"store_id": "0x7de232eecc08dc5e524ad42fad205c9ec7dd3f342677edb7c2e139c51f55d40e"
"success": true
Functionality: Get the root hash and timestamp of a given store ID. If it is a subscribed store, this command will return an invalid hash (see example). In this case, use get_local_root instead
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_root [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
Example 1
Get the root hash of an owned store:
chia rpc data_layer get_root '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a"}'
"confirmed": true,
"hash": "0x75cccd7342e93b5a716877c285282f45b1125c33d3f67cd62a353efdbe4fd9fa",
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1660623078
Example 2
Get the root hash of a subscribed store. Notice that an invalid hash is shown:
chia rpc data_layer get_root '{"id":"8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d"}'
"confirmed": true,
"hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1660672031
Functionality: Get the root hashes and timestamps from a list of stores. Note that an invalid hash will be returned for subscribed stores. Use get_local_root instead
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_roots [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
ids | TEXT | True | A list of hexadecimal store IDs |
For this example, the first store is subscribed, so it will return an invalid root hash. The second store is owned, so the root hash will be valid:
chia rpc data_layer get_roots '{"ids":["8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d", "0x1ad0908e248f48cc3e9b3cf8f68c748d2e3c5a2a933765032d3222086231ea5e"]}'
"root_hashes": [
"confirmed": true,
"hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"id": "0x8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d",
"timestamp": 1660672031
"confirmed": true,
"hash": "0xb5420e65846ded936d1e4855c066247fc461a3b281cd9e0e69f3cfa4df529ba2",
"id": "0x1ad0908e248f48cc3e9b3cf8f68c748d2e3c5a2a933765032d3222086231ea5e",
"timestamp": 1660724174
"success": true
Functionality: Get a history of root hashes for a Store ID that you subscribe to
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_root_history [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
chia rpc data_layer get_root_history '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a"}'
"root_history": [
"confirmed": true,
"root_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"timestamp": 1660618627
"confirmed": true,
"root_hash": "0xa03d7ea8e488d6443f51a8b586f11754447fb449dc48af881ee78ff77ec7cdb1",
"timestamp": 1660622775
"confirmed": true,
"root_hash": "0x75cccd7342e93b5a716877c285282f45b1125c33d3f67cd62a353efdbe4fd9fa",
"timestamp": 1660623078
"confirmed": true,
"root_hash": "0x9527cc5e43bf93062423221e9bec761cbc3f24a0811cb0738da2419dfe7649f7",
"timestamp": 1660632383
"confirmed": true,
"root_hash": "0x75cccd7342e93b5a716877c285282f45b1125c33d3f67cd62a353efdbe4fd9fa",
"timestamp": 1660632535
"confirmed": true,
"root_hash": "0x9489c92aa253bbc8489eef1b2dee0f26855ee88d82744b4a7721b1e1528442ba",
"timestamp": 1660632993
"confirmed": true,
"root_hash": "0xa78402ca50f743152e1e2f7848f8bd5edce150723f5baa85242d3e1a7518b163",
"timestamp": 1660633450
"confirmed": true,
"root_hash": "0x044e03adb3d3180ed91b8bd4afb4c381e821d5641e5cc11e458ab33cbae2ed01",
"timestamp": 1660635004
"success": true
Functionality: Show a comprehensive list of RPC routes for the DataLayer
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_routes
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc data_layer get_routes
"routes": [
"success": true
Functionality: Obtain the current sync status for a provided data store
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_sync_status [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
chia rpc data_layer get_sync_status '{"id": "39114b28a3674b6c2c0ed65d3518842fd17f9df46794f49cd223f9f3a463f09d"}'
"success": true,
"sync_status": {
"generation": 1,
"root_hash": "532d8df550bdbdef28c1a7b27eaefc812afb99eabd59b3c041000c7ea352e900",
"target_generation": 1,
"target_root_hash": "532d8df550bdbdef28c1a7b27eaefc812afb99eabd59b3c041000c7ea352e900"
Functionality: Given a key and the data store in which the key is located, return corresponding value
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_value [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
key | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal key |
root_hash | TEXT | False | The root hash from which to obtain data |
The root_hash
parameter is recommended to be used each time you call this RPC.
If root_hash
is not specified, there is no way to guarantee that the latest data is being shown
(stale data may be shown instead).
This parameter is obtainable by calling the get_root RPC.
Obtain the value for key 0x0001
. Pass in the root_hash
to ensure the latest value is obtained:
chia rpc data_layer get_value '{"id":"0x8f9601eba73a276d5b9e12fbec52b113217e89a55831ae1d80bca48462fbaea7", "key": "0x0001", "root_hash": "0x9527cc5e43bf93062423221e9bec761cbc3f24a0811cb0738da2419dfe7649f7"}'
"success": true,
"value": "fadedcab"
Functionality: Insert a key/value pair into a store that you control. Triggers a Chia transaction
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] insert [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
key | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal key |
value | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal value |
fee | TEXT | False | Set the fee for the transaction, in mojos |
Example 1
This example will create a key/value pair without 0x
chia rpc data_layer insert '{"id":"1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "key":"0001", "value":"fadedcab"}'
"success": true,
"tx_id": "0xaba9c1a25199acc8e05557527cfe683797b1c8b81d6011cdbb03f80f900febd2"
Example 2
This example will create a key/value pair with 0x
chia rpc data_layer insert '{"id":"0x1163ac212bd5fe00efa86f8d3c4958cda08924870800d72dc332f508a1b2e35a", "key":"0x0002", "value":"0xcafef00d"}'
"success": true,
"tx_id": "0x212092519e5edce613d12b663bc9fa71c2d8f54da2c04ee5d5526cee0df84440"
Functionality: Make an offer to include one or more keys in exchange for a Taker including one or more keys
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] make_offer [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
maker | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal ID of the store for which to list mirrors |
fee | TEXT | False | Set the fee for the offer, in mojos |
You must own the store listed as the maker
, and you must be subscribed to the store listed as the taker
, as will be demonstrated in the example.
Before the offer is created, here are the Maker's store ID, keys and values:
chia rpc data_layer get_owned_stores
"store_ids": [
"success": true
chia rpc data_layer get_keys_values '{"id":"14d1c3042ef38d76796146e6248e02b73db7a0eeefb740fa2e8439dad15bca27"}'
"keys_values": [
"atom": null,
"hash": "0x919735911d7f9ca0de316878ddb92e7772c9f39bf9d37e9d84ccab39f5d49a11",
"key": "0x0002",
"value": "0xcafef00d"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xcd4046b6c3b03e20afd506b50e552f1b698283d72566732134437fcb364c47a5",
"key": "0x0003",
"value": "0xbeadfeed"
"success": true
And here are the Taker's store ID, keys and values:
chia rpc data_layer get_owned_stores
"store_ids": [
"success": true
chia rpc data_layer get_keys_values '{"id":"596dc917f56ceaf2df17a8cf9672b2e3cd49e2c1432b25834035aafbe063cbae"}'
"keys_values": [
"atom": null,
"hash": "0x44d7462bce0023356bdb650ed8456b93ef09954b24e023f6add48e01a054e1f6",
"key": "0x0001",
"value": "0x1337dea1"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xcd4046b6c3b03e20afd506b50e552f1b698283d72566732134437fcb364c47a5",
"key": "0x0003",
"value": "0xbeadfeed"
"success": true
The Maker offers to include a new key exchange for the Taker including a new key. A few things to keep in mind:
- Offers for multiple keys are also possible
- Typically the Maker should not offer keys that have already been included because the Taker will have no incentive to accept the offer. (In making an offer, the Maker is essentially saying, "I'll include these keys if you agree to include these other keys.")
- The
is an optional transaction fee that will go to a farmer
Here is the command to make an offer:
chia rpc data_layer make_offer '{
"maker": [
"store_id": "14d1c3042ef38d76796146e6248e02b73db7a0eeefb740fa2e8439dad15bca27",
"inclusions": [
"key": "9999",
"value": "abc123"
"taker": [
"store_id": "596dc917f56ceaf2df17a8cf9672b2e3cd49e2c1432b25834035aafbe063cbae",
"inclusions": [
"key": "0000",
"value": "def456"
"fee": 1000000
The offer will be contained within the response:
"offer": {
"maker": [
"proofs": [
"key": "9999",
"layers": [
"combined_hash": "0a3024099e40c27cfe294ce91bdabf727887fecd406d7208c53297f79d4e8902",
"other_hash": "cd4046b6c3b03e20afd506b50e552f1b698283d72566732134437fcb364c47a5",
"other_hash_side": "left"
"combined_hash": "568ca0020114772138db61001c63ac8574a7c8c76c051dd2d3e28964496aa88c",
"other_hash": "919735911d7f9ca0de316878ddb92e7772c9f39bf9d37e9d84ccab39f5d49a11",
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"taker": [
"inclusions": [
"key": "0000",
"value": "def456"
"store_id": "596dc917f56ceaf2df17a8cf9672b2e3cd49e2c1432b25834035aafbe063cbae"
"trade_id": "9c4cd1062947e8fdcc91ba18f27ef45d3cecb086d27751703db213cba8d658a2"
"success": true
Because the offer is quite large, your command line might have trouble processing it if you paste it directly. Therefore, you are recommended to do the following:
- Copy the entire response into an editor that can handle JSON formatting
- Change the last line from
"success": true
to"fee": [fee amount in mojos]
(for example,"fee": 10000000
). This is a required transaction fee, paid by the Taker - Save it as a json file (for example,
) and send it to the Taker, who will input it in the take_offer example
The offer has now been saved as a .json file and been sent to the Taker. See take_offer for an example of how to accept the offer.
Functionality: Remove one or more URLs from a data store to which you subscribe. Note that this action will not remove the subscription to the data store itself. For that functionality, use unsubscribe
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] remove_subscriptions [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
urls | TEXT | True | A list of URLs from which to unsubscribe |
chia rpc data_layer remove_subscriptions '{"id":"8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d", "urls":[""]}'
"success": true
Functionality: Publish the root from all pending batch updates
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] submit_pending_root [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
Functionality: Subscribe to a store ID
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] subscribe [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal store ID |
urls | TEXT | True | A list of URLs where the data store resides. This list can be left blank |
Example 1
Subscribe to a data store without specifying any URLs:
chia rpc data_layer subscribe '{"id":"8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d", "urls":[]}'
"success": true
Example 2
Subscribe to a data store using multiple URLs where that store resides:
chia rpc data_layer subscribe '{"id":"8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d", "urls":["", ""]}'
"success": true
Functionality: List the store ID for each current subscription
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] subscriptions [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc data_layer subscriptions
"store_ids": [
"success": true
Functionality: Accept an offer to create one or more keys in exchange for the Maker creating one or more keys. Triggers a Chia transaction
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] take_offer [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
offer | TEXT | False | The offer, in JSON format (the output from the make_offer RPC). Includes Maker and Taker information |
fee | TEXT | False | Set the fee for the offer, in mojos |
This example will use the offer file created in the make_offer example.
Assuming the offer is saved in a file and named offer.json
and the Taker has this file in the present working directory, here's how to accept the offer:
chia rpc data_layer -j offer.json take_offer
"success": true,
"trade_id": "705b5eac32f037e785a72658f1be405799b9149f9a6e0345e3c10b5d9eed0edf"
After the offer has been confirmed on the blockchain, we can see that the Maker has added the key from the offer ("0x9999"):
chia rpc data_layer get_keys_values '{"id":"14d1c3042ef38d76796146e6248e02b73db7a0eeefb740fa2e8439dad15bca27"}'
"keys_values": [
"atom": null,
"hash": "0x919735911d7f9ca0de316878ddb92e7772c9f39bf9d37e9d84ccab39f5d49a11",
"key": "0x0002",
"value": "0xcafef00d"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xcd4046b6c3b03e20afd506b50e552f1b698283d72566732134437fcb364c47a5",
"key": "0x0003",
"value": "0xbeadfeed"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xb87c24e0521f559236a2e06d6e1bb196c138c1c9bfcadad3b25708e7eab97ca7",
"key": "0x9999",
"value": "0xabc123"
"success": true
The Taker has also added the appropriate key from the offer ("0x0000"):
chia rpc data_layer get_keys_values '{"id":"596dc917f56ceaf2df17a8cf9672b2e3cd49e2c1432b25834035aafbe063cbae"}'
"keys_values": [
"atom": null,
"hash": "0x44d7462bce0023356bdb650ed8456b93ef09954b24e023f6add48e01a054e1f6",
"key": "0x0001",
"value": "0x1337dea1"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0x6bc6abf9b900c50d003c72e9798b920753c644f0497dc4aca1e9ba8e0cfcc403",
"key": "0x0000",
"value": "0xdef456"
"atom": null,
"hash": "0xcd4046b6c3b03e20afd506b50e552f1b698283d72566732134437fcb364c47a5",
"key": "0x0003",
"value": "0xbeadfeed"
"success": true
Functionality: Unsubscribe from a store ID
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] unsubscribe [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
id | TEXT | True | The hexadecimal ID of the store from which to unsubscribe |
The unsubscribe
RPC may or may not delete any data, depending on which version of Chia you are running:
- Prior to version 2.1, the command did not delete the .dat files, nor did it delete from the database.
- As of version 2.1, the command deletes the .dat files, but does not delete from the database.
- In a future release, the command will also delete from the database.
chia rpc data_layer unsubscribe '{"id":"8f6ed792bbbf5216f8e55064793f74ce01286b9c1d542cc4a357cf7f8712df1d"}'
"success": true
Functionality: Verify that a DataLayer offer is well-formed
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] verify_offer [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
offer | TEXT | False | The offer, in JSON format (the output from the make_offer RPC). Includes Maker and Taker information |
Example 1
This example will show a successful verification. It will use the offer file created in the make_offer example.
Assuming the offer is saved in a file and named offer.json
, here's how to verify the offer:
chia rpc data_layer -j offer.json verify_offer
"error": null,
"fee": 1,
"success": true,
"valid": true
Example 2
This example will show an unsuccessful verification. It will use the offer file created in the make_offer example, with one byte modified to simulate file corruption:
chia rpc data_layer -j offer.json verify_offer
Request failed: {'error': 'non-hexadecimal number found in fromhex() arg at position 18699', 'success': False}
Functionality: Verifies a merkle proof of inclusion
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] verify_proof [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
store_proofs | STRING | True | The proof to verify; requires a proofs parameter, which must contain the following parameters: key_clvm_hash , value_clvm_hash , node_hash , layers . See the example for usage. |
coin_id | STRING | True | The ID of the coin to retrieve |
inner_puzzle_hash | STRING | True | The proof's inner puzzle hash |
Notes about this command:
- It only needs to perform a single lookup of the on-chain root.
- It doesn't need to have synced any of the data, or be subscribed to the data store.
- To keep the proofs smaller, only the clvm hash of the key and value are included in the proof, and not the actual key or value. (A clvm hash is just a sha256 hash of the data prepended with 0x01.)
- Datalayer uses CLVM hashes for ease of verification in CLVM, although for this specific use case, there is no on-chain validation happening.
- When using this command, pay attention to the
value in the returned JSON.- If
, this data chains to the current published root, and so if you synced the data, you can be sure it would be there. - If
, the root has moved from the time the proof was generated. You cannot make any assumptions in this case about whether the data is in fact in the datastore or not since the root has changed, therefore the data might have changed. It is up to the caller to determine how to treat this case; one possible action would be to obtain a new proof.
- If
For more help with constructing the store_proofs
JSON, see the output from the get_proof RPC. For more examples, see chia-blockchain PR #16845.
chia rpc data_layer verify_proof '{"coin_id": "0x774e5f9ba7a8afbfa7fd2050347b4a2d400d3cd530637a18b61b094bb5a0f756", "inner_puzzle_hash": "0x875cc80014bc72f2028c27500d5b44bf6906cd13ad16d7b5f4a5da77a06c8c2f", "store_proofs": {"proofs": [{"key_clvm_hash": "0xa143e7ffd81147f136f921fef88760c46c7a05f15b81995f9c5cfed2a737a3f1","layers": [], "node_hash": "0xe488fa1bf0f712b224df0daf312b3d479f80e3a330d4bebd8f26a0d52dc0ebbb", "value_clvm_hash": "0xed052604ee4ff3996c15ef9b2cb0925233a2e78b6168bb6e67d133e074109b42"}], "store_id": "0x7de232eecc08dc5e524ad42fad205c9ec7dd3f342677edb7c2e139c51f55d40e"}}'
"current_root": true,
"success": true,
"verified_clvm_hashes": {
"inclusions": [
"key_clvm_hash": "0xa143e7ffd81147f136f921fef88760c46c7a05f15b81995f9c5cfed2a737a3f1",
"value_clvm_hash": "0xed052604ee4ff3996c15ef9b2cb0925233a2e78b6168bb6e67d133e074109b42"
"store_id": "0x7de232eecc08dc5e524ad42fad205c9ec7dd3f342677edb7c2e139c51f55d40e"
Functionality: Request that the wallet service be logged in to the specified fingerprint
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
fingerprint | STRING | True | The fingerprint of the wallet to use |
chia rpc data_layer wallet_log_in '{"fingerprint":"3404181419"}'
"success": true
Inherited commands
Functionality: Close an active connection
Note: Inherited from RPC Server
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] close_connection [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
node_id | TEXT | True | The hex ID of the node to close, obtainable from get_connections |
chia rpc data_layer close_connection '{"node_id":"0x8e961b617579d476419003728d6d71ab1b182f7d962e5db16f61ebfb157d771b"}'
"success": true
Verify that the connection has been closed:
chia rpc data_layer get_connections
"connections": [],
"success": true
Functionality: Get a list of active connections
Note: Inherited from RPC Server
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] get_connections [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc data_layer get_connections
"connections": [
"bytes_read": 66,
"bytes_written": 66,
"creation_time": 1660636909.9794328,
"last_message_time": 1660636909.9815319,
"local_port": 8561,
"node_id": "0x8e961b617579d476419003728d6d71ab1b182f7d962e5db16f61ebfb157d771b",
"peer_host": "localhost",
"peer_port": 58444,
"peer_server_port": 58444,
"type": 1
"success": true
Functionality: Open a connection to another node
Note: Inherited from RPC Server
Usage: chia rpc data_layer [OPTIONS] open_connection [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
host | TEXT | True | The IP or URL of the node to connect to |
port | INTEGER | True | The port through which to connect to the remote node |
chia rpc data_layer open_connection '{"host":"localhost", "port":"58444"}'
"success": true
Functionality: Stop your local node
Note: Inherited from RPC Server
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc data_layer stop_node
"success": true