Farmer RPC
This document provides a comprehensive reference to Chia's Farmer RPC API.
Note about Windows command escaping
This document will use Linux/MacOS RPC syntax. When running rpc commands on Windows, you'll need to escape all quotes with backslashes.
For example, here is a typical RPC command on Linux and MacOS:
chia rpc wallet create_new_wallet '{"wallet_type": "nft_wallet"}'
To run the same command on Windows, you need to escape the quotes, so it looks like this (the braces have been removed to support the formatting for this page. You still need to use them in your actual commands.):
chia rpc wallet create_new_wallet '{\"wallet_type\": \"nft_wallet\"}'
Functionality: List all harvesters in your network, including all plots on each individual harvester
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_harvesters [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc farmer get_harvesters
"harvesters": [
"connection": {
"host": "",
"node_id": "0xbefeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913",
"port": 61934
"duplicates": [],
"failed_to_open_filenames": [],
"last_sync_time": 1677653735.9421551,
"no_key_filenames": [],
"plots": [
"file_size": 674281385,
"filename": "/plots/plot-k25-2023-03-01-14-52-160798793b22b998133bbf5b2021ed70d24feb0e20d040668c685df2c7caf76a.plot",
"plot_id": "0x160798793b22b998133bbf5b2021ed70d24feb0e20d040668c685df2c7caf76a",
"plot_public_key": "0xa82069430a7ef8a6491f8b3a5ec64553a33b86e0a713ad03106879231ae77161a0b860df659dbfbb1cc07b6343e95d62",
"pool_contract_puzzle_hash": "0xf5daa5a0d83c6a628782a386aa1f94ff041e29c4da4b9b97f91f4d46563d8e9b",
"pool_public_key": null,
"size": 25,
"time_modified": 1677653720
"syncing": null,
"total_plot_size": 674281385
"success": true
Functionality: List all harvesters in your network, including the number of plots (but not the individual plots)
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_harvesters_summary [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc farmer get_harvesters_summary
"harvesters": [
"connection": {
"host": "",
"node_id": "0xbefeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913",
"port": 61934
"duplicates": 0,
"failed_to_open_filenames": 0,
"last_sync_time": 1677653735.9421551,
"no_key_filenames": 18,
"plots": 1,
"syncing": null,
"total_plot_size": 674281385
"success": true
Functionality: List duplicate plots
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_harvester_plots_duplicates [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
node_id | HEX STRING | True | This node's node_id , obtainable from the get_harvesters RPC |
page | INTEGER | True | The page in the results sequence to list (starts with 0 ) |
page_size | INTEGER | True | The number of entries per page to list |
Note that the request parameters are automatically combined to create PlotInfoRequestData
chia rpc farmer get_harvester_plots_duplicates '{"node_id": "0xbefeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913", "page": 0, "page_size": 1}'
"node_id": "befeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913",
"page": 0,
"page_count": 1,
"plots": [],
"success": true,
"total_count": 0
Functionality: List invalid plots in your local network
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_harvester_plots_invalid [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
node_id | HEX STRING | True | This node's node_id , obtainable from the get_harvesters RPC |
page | INTEGER | True | The page in the results sequence to list (starts with 0 ) |
page_size | INTEGER | True | The number of entries per page to list |
Note that the request parameters are automatically combined to create PlotInfoRequestData
chia rpc farmer get_harvester_plots_invalid '{"node_id": "0xbefeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913", "page": 0, "page_size": 1}'
"node_id": "befeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913",
"page": 0,
"page_count": 1,
"plots": [],
"success": true,
"total_count": 0
Functionality: List plots from your plot directories that have missing keys / are not associated with the current node_id
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_harvester_plots_keys_missing [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
node_id | HEX STRING | True | This node's node_id , obtainable from the get_harvesters RPC |
page | INTEGER | True | The page in the results sequence to list (starts with 0 ) |
page_size | INTEGER | True | The number of entries per page to list |
Note that the request parameters are automatically combined to create PlotInfoRequestData
chia rpc farmer get_harvester_plots_keys_missing '{"node_id": "0xbefeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913", "page": 0, "page_size": 5}'
"node_id": "befeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913",
"page": 0,
"page_count": 4,
"plots": [
"success": true,
"total_count": 18
Functionality: List valid plots in your local network
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_harvester_plots_valid [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
node_id | HEX STRING | True | This node's node_id , obtainable from the get_harvesters RPC |
page | INTEGER | True | The page in the results sequence to list (starts with 0 ) |
page_size | INTEGER | True | The number of entries per page to list |
Note that the request parameters are automatically combined to create PlotInfoRequestData
chia rpc farmer get_harvester_plots_valid '{"node_id": "0xbefeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913", "page": 0, "page_size": 1}'
"node_id": "befeeb05fa599f07c5be2b94b2d872b2516f03101ed49cc53312f086de197913",
"page": 0,
"page_count": 1,
"plots": [
"file_size": 674281385,
"filename": "/plots/plot-k25-2023-03-01-14-52-160798793b22b998133bbf5b2021ed70d24feb0e20d040668c685df2c7caf76a.plot",
"plot_id": "0x160798793b22b998133bbf5b2021ed70d24feb0e20d040668c685df2c7caf76a",
"plot_public_key": "0xa82069430a7ef8a6491f8b3a5ec64553a33b86e0a713ad03106879231ae77161a0b860df659dbfbb1cc07b6343e95d62",
"pool_contract_puzzle_hash": "0xf5daa5a0d83c6a628782a386aa1f94ff041e29c4da4b9b97f91f4d46563d8e9b",
"pool_public_key": null,
"size": 25,
"time_modified": 1677653720
"success": true,
"total_count": 1
Functionality: Get a URI to view your pool info
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_pool_login_link [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
launcher_id | HEX STRING | True | The launcher_id from your pool, obtainable from the get_pool_state RPC |
chia rpc farmer get_pool_login_link '{"launcher_id": "0x55244acf3017c2fc245020b46600827047dce8f54c982adaf95248ff2e955ad8"}'
"login_link": "",
"success": true
Functionality: If pooling is enabled, show all pool info, such as p2_singleton_puzzle_hash
and plot_count
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_pool_state [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc farmer get_pool_state
"pool_state": [
"authentication_token_timeout": 5,
"current_difficulty": 1,
"current_points": 0,
"next_farmer_update": 1677651891.2115443,
"next_pool_info_update": 1677655190.955341,
"p2_singleton_puzzle_hash": "f5daa5a0d83c6a628782a386aa1f94ff041e29c4da4b9b97f91f4d46563d8e9b",
"plot_count": 0,
"points_acknowledged_24h": [],
"points_acknowledged_since_start": 0,
"points_found_24h": [],
"points_found_since_start": 0,
"pool_config": {
"launcher_id": "0x55244acf3017c2fc245020b46600827047dce8f54c982adaf95248ff2e955ad8",
"owner_public_key": "0xb5ab4fb9ef69ac933868ef951fe7a78557ca334ff356b8eb79790ceb18ed4687ca78b96b0144c9d507d650905d7b98d9",
"p2_singleton_puzzle_hash": "0xf5daa5a0d83c6a628782a386aa1f94ff041e29c4da4b9b97f91f4d46563d8e9b",
"payout_instructions": "716f88dcadafa320d840aad02799a500fe4d01831dab6c0a47bb61f6451ad557",
"pool_url": "",
"target_puzzle_hash": "0x2f2c9ba1b2315d413a92b5f034fa03282ccba1767fd9ae7b14d942b969ed5d57"
"pool_errors_24h": [
"error_code": 10,
"error_message": "Farmer with launcher_id 55244acf3017c2fc245020b46600827047dce8f54c982adaf95248ff2e955ad8 unknown."
"error_code": 10,
"error_message": "Farmer with launcher_id 55244acf3017c2fc245020b46600827047dce8f54c982adaf95248ff2e955ad8 unknown."
"success": true
Functionality: List the payout targets for the farmer (1/8 of the reward) and pool (7/8)
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_reward_targets [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
search_for_private_key | BOOLEAN | True | List whether the private key (sk) is available for both the farmer and pool keys |
max_ph_to_search | INTEGER | False | The maximum number of puzzle hashes to search [Default: 500] If the wallet's derivation index is large, this number may be insufficient to locate the correct puzzle hashes. In this case, you may need to increase this value |
chia rpc farmer get_reward_targets '{"search_for_private_key": false}'
"farmer_target": "xch1xdm7s8fq4kdrq28lulnhxcxq8h6gcsf0y5j643vqx4ec3z9dhq7sqxsa9j",
"pool_target": "xch1xdm7s8fq4kdrq28lulnhxcxq8h6gcsf0y5j643vqx4ec3z9dhq7sqxsa9j",
"success": true
Functionality: List all available RPC routes
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_routes [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc farmer get_routes
"routes": [
"success": true
Functionality: Given a signage point's hash, list the details of that signage point
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_signage_point [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
sp_hash | HEX STRING | True | The hash of a signage point, listed as pos_ss_cc_challenge_hash in the block details |
chia rpc farmer get_signage_point '{"sp_hash": "0xd1d48067e1a355e69808201db516008c3d71c88d8c07fcee7c790f725e56e9ac"}'
"proofs": [],
"signage_point": {
"challenge_chain_sp": "0xd1d48067e1a355e69808201db516008c3d71c88d8c07fcee7c790f725e56e9ac",
"challenge_hash": "0xd1d48067e1a355e69808201db516008c3d71c88d8c07fcee7c790f725e56e9ac",
"difficulty": 1992,
"reward_chain_sp": "0x0be5727cfe27822fc45852f983c6eee96d2160566eb7b6a18c7c92154ee01fbb",
"signage_point_index": 0,
"sub_slot_iters": 147849216
"success": true
Functionality: List details for all signage points going back several challenges
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] get_signage_points [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters: None
chia rpc farmer get_signage_points
"signage_points": [
"proofs": [],
"signage_point": {
"challenge_chain_sp": "0xe7bff062bcddd480852422d6e1db0af6ff8db96959dd06300cb6f9768ac62fc9",
"challenge_hash": "0xdce6ce932f790f1846e7875ac9899036920672ec38f542ea148f5718a56870bd",
"difficulty": 1992,
"reward_chain_sp": "0x217cb43d129f0576d5e0aeb6dd4946c2786619b8cbd4ca0f784357862e1bef45",
"signage_point_index": 39,
"sub_slot_iters": 147849216
"proofs": [],
"signage_point": {
"challenge_chain_sp": "0x98fefcd637299a9d7fb923b68adcac0f5ead98d7f76e1cbc629c9498b80a4ce7",
"challenge_hash": "0xdce6ce932f790f1846e7875ac9899036920672ec38f542ea148f5718a56870bd",
"difficulty": 1992,
"reward_chain_sp": "0xea03892b3ff17926ec55f9b002c5a57b399cc3150d847db44165fae2d1d016c2",
"signage_point_index": 40,
"sub_slot_iters": 147849216
"proofs": [],
"signage_point": {
"challenge_chain_sp": "0x94157672db825df25a3d9d6860785716c3a01678430ba92a7aaaa5d8b2ab81df",
"challenge_hash": "0xdce6ce932f790f1846e7875ac9899036920672ec38f542ea148f5718a56870bd",
"difficulty": 1992,
"reward_chain_sp": "0xd23c76d3d308b58657a2b6d847056d607aa0bd474ab6049b0ddf83f9f3ccfbec",
"signage_point_index": 41,
"sub_slot_iters": 147849216
"proofs": [],
"signage_point": {
"challenge_chain_sp": "0xe213a89280cb67644a196e84d16241117844e31f4b7eac199c6743adc37b0282",
"challenge_hash": "0x2544de1fe6a12f6cd11241accf858a29fc5d8540d78afb8f872798533a51043b",
"difficulty": 1992,
"reward_chain_sp": "0xa4e51e9db27b1594c38cac43d86bcb58db5e3fe3b8623325526369ca61558fe0",
"signage_point_index": 38,
"sub_slot_iters": 147849216
"proofs": [],
"signage_point": {
"challenge_chain_sp": "0xed7eb2541620e7fdf77233a8ea2b31eceb1ccb79be04c090da03b8a9debc5569",
"challenge_hash": "0x2544de1fe6a12f6cd11241accf858a29fc5d8540d78afb8f872798533a51043b",
"difficulty": 1992,
"reward_chain_sp": "0x00ea6a98f662e1d5b3187c8fbec1a68aae048a9eb790cdac2e8383b6dfdffc29",
"signage_point_index": 39,
"sub_slot_iters": 147849216
"success": true
Functionality: Set the payout_instructions
parameter for your pool configuration
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] set_payout_instructions [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
launcher_id | HEX STRING | True | The launcher_id from your pool, obtainable from the get_pool_state RPC |
payout_instructions | HEX STRING | True | The puzzle hash to be used as the new payout_instructions |
chia rpc farmer set_payout_instructions '{"launcher_id": "0x55244acf3017c2fc245020b46600827047dce8f54c982adaf95248ff2e955ad8", "payout_instructions": "19d5a0c14e294e48451959819e8c7407c1a06f4f81c69a943ac86433a9ff29e6"}'
"success": true
Functionality: Set the farmer and/or pool reward target address(es)
Usage: chia rpc farmer [OPTIONS] set_reward_targets [REQUEST]
Short Command | Long Command | Type | Required | Description |
-j | --json-file | FILENAME | False | Optionally instead of REQUEST you can provide a json file containing the request data |
-h | --help | None | False | Show a help message and exit |
Request Parameters:
Flag | Type | Required | Description |
farmer_target | HEX STRING | False | Set the farmer reward target |
pool_target | HEX STRING | False | Set the pool reward target |
Set both targets:
chia rpc farmer set_reward_targets '{"farmer_target": "xch1zuedypasfgpa6ltz9nylfyw58js9v88h8g004nd2pcnw3ypv3descqnxpr", "pool_target": "xch1r826ps2w998ys3getxqearr5qlq6qm60s8rf49p6epjr820l98nqm705cx"}'
"success": true
Verify that the targets have been set:
chia rpc farmer get_reward_targets '{"search_for_private_key": false}'
"farmer_target": "xch1zuedypasfgpa6ltz9nylfyw58js9v88h8g004nd2pcnw3ypv3descqnxpr",
"pool_target": "xch1r826ps2w998ys3getxqearr5qlq6qm60s8rf49p6epjr820l98nqm705cx",
"success": true